Join the Stoneforge Clan – A Dwarf-Only Guild on Argent Dawn!

Fellow Dwarves of Azeroth!

Are you looking for a guild that feels like home? A place where the ale flows as freely as the laughter, and camaraderie is forged in the heat of battle? Look no further! Stoneforge Clan is calling for stout-hearted dwarves to join our ranks.

Who We Are:

Stoneforge Clan is a dedicated dwarf-only guild located on Argent Dawn. We’re a community of mature, fun-loving, and beer-loving dwarf enthusiasts. Our mission is simple: enjoy the game, support each other, and conquer all challenges Azeroth throws our way, one knee hit at a time!

Our Focus:

  • Raiding: From classic raids to the latest content, we tackle it all with precision and teamwork.
  • Mythic+ Content: We push keys with determination, always striving for better results and greater rewards.
  • Role-Playing: Embrace your dwarven heritage with immersive role-playing events and storylines.
  • Community: We value a relaxed atmosphere where every dwarf feels welcome and included. In Stoneforge Clan, no dwarf is left behind!

Why Join Us?

  • Beer Lovers: Whether it’s in-game or in real life, we share a love for good ale and good times.
  • Mature Players: Our members are respectful, friendly, and mature, ensuring a positive and supportive environment.
  • Dwarf Enthusiasts: We take pride in our dwarven roots, celebrating the culture and spirit of the stout folk.
  • Epic Adventures: Together, we’ll face and defeat every foe, explore every corner of Azeroth, and enjoy every moment of the journey.


  • Be a dwarf! (Obviously)
  • Be active and engaged, both in-game and on Discord.
  • Respect fellow members and contribute to our positive community vibe.
  • Bring your love for adventure, beer, and all things dwarven!

How to Join:

Ready to join the ranks of Stoneforge Clan? Reach out to us in-game or drop a message here on the forum. You can also join our Discord server to introduce yourself and get to know our clan members.

Discord Link:

Let’s Raise Our Mugs and Forge Our Destiny!

Together, we will conquer Azeroth and enjoy every step of the journey. Remember, a Stoneforge dwarf never stands alone!

For the Stoneforge Clan! For Azeroth!

Signed, Gorwan

The Stoneforge Clan Leadership

Hammers up brave dwarves! May your mugs always be full, and your axes ever sharp!


The Stoneforge Clan.

The left flank’s collapsing!”

The runner came barrelling at them as quick as his short dwarven legs could carry him, beard whipping out behind him like a banner. He slid to a halt at the camp table where a few of the Clan elders were looking at the map of the battlefield, heaving for breath before he repeated his message.

The left flank’s collapsing! The remaining fire primalists are drivin’ a wedge into our forces, we’re regrouping, but we cannae hold for long!”

The dwarves at the table looked at one another. It had been a long fight, meant to mop up the remaining Fyrakk loyalists, perhaps gain some rare materials for smithing and certainly a sizeable reward from the Aspects. The Stoneforge clan was as ever in need of both.

A disparate lot, those present came from many different backgrounds. Both Bronzebeard dwarves, Dark Irons and Wildhammers, and some of them with ancestors from a combination of the three, had bonded together in the Stoneforge clan, united by a love of adventure, of chances to prove themselves against the toughest of foes, or even just because they enjoyed blood sausage and ale, which was always a staple of the Clan’s rations in the field. But deep down, they were Dwarves all, stout of heart and strong of mind.

An’ wha’ of th’ dragon?” The dwarven woman who spoke bore a simple set of armour, mostly unadorned, though with the clan symbol of the crossed hammers on her tabard. “Dun’ leave oot th’ mos’ important part! -Have ye seen it yet?”

Indeed, a particularily large and powerful proto-dragon by the name of Vir’zeth had led this remnant of Fyrakk’s forces, seemingly intent to elevate itself as a new Primal Incarnate. The contract the Clan was under had placed the highest bounty on that particular head.

Gulping down a swig of ale, the runner nodded. “It’s taken to th’ field sah! Bringing up the centre of their forces an’ makin’ a right mess o’ ours!” He looked to Baldûr, as did the rest of them. “What are we goin’ tae do sah?”

The Stoneforge Thane rose and picked up his shield, he seemed entirely unconcerned as he downed the last of his ale and wiped his beard. Grinning at them, he shrugged.

Guess we do what we always do, eh?”

Nods all along the table followed. They did indeed know what to do, the strategy was well-tested and tried, and had seen them emerge victorious from a number of tough fights before. You could almost say it was a mantra of the Clan at this point, and it certainly sounded that way as they all answered in a chorus;


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Ale, blood sausage and bigger hammers!

…what’s not to like?

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“Magic”, the drunken Dwarf slurred.
“But not just any magic. No lad, t’is ancient ma *hic*…Magic”
He drained the last from his alemug, and pushed it towards the barkeep, gesturing for a refill.

“T’was old a’ready when the world was young”.
“long before we 'een had these fancy categories 'o arcane, elemental an wotnot”

He grunted a dismissive sneer
"not 'een them druids can understand it, an ye’d think them if any, should be able ta grasp it.
Ye aither know how, or ye don’t. T’is in yer blood or it aint, ere’s no fancy wizard academy that can learn ye"

“Sir, this is a tavern…”
The bartender said, obviously annoyed with the conversation, as he washed out the alemug.
“But I think you had enough for tonight, so please take your…”

He quirked an eyebrow at the Dwarven weapon leaned against the bar “Hammer…Gun, and mosey along”

The Dwarf muttered incoherently into his beard, as he counted a handfull of coins on the bar, and staggered towards the door.

Outside, the rain was still pouring down. And heavy clouds obscured the evening moon. But undaunted he adjusted his hood, and stepped out onto the muddy cobblestones of Boralus.

“A’ight lads! w’er not welcome 'round 'ere, let’s be off”
From the alley, a low growling rumbled out into the night.
A large core hound reluctantly lumbered out, to join his Dwarven companion. The rain sizzling and evaporating from it’s massive flaming back.

“We can’t accomodate monsters, our stables will burn down”
The Dwarf said to himself in a high-pitched, mock Kul-Tiran accent. The core hound tuned both it’s heads towards the Dwarf, and tilted them to one side, giving him a puzzled look.

“Gnollin eejits tha lot 'o em, eh lads? … Let’s go see what our clannies are up tah”
He motioned for the beast to follow, and like a two ton playful puppy, it jumped and skipped after him through the puddles, sending hissing steam and splashing boiling, muddy water along the way.


Thane Baldûr stood silent viewing the scene before him, his gaze sweeping across the battlefield. The acrid smell of smoke and blood filled the air, mingling with the earthy scent of the mountain. The clash of steel and the roars of the wounded had finally faded, replaced by the jubilant shouts of victory. The dwarven clan of Stoneforge, battle-worn and bloodied, stood tall among the fallen, their hammers and axes raised in triumph.

Baldûr’s eyes fell on the lifeless form of Scalecommander Sarkareth, the once formidable dracthyr who had sought to overthrow the Dragon Aspects and seize their power. His golden scales, now dulled and stained with blood, shimmered faintly in the dim light of the halls of Abberus. Sarkareth’s rebellion had threatened not just the dragonflights but all who lived under the shadow of the mountains.

With a deep breath, Baldûr joined his kin. The Stoneforge dwarves, as tough and unyielding as the mountains they called home, turned to their Thane with expressions of hard-earned pride. Among them was Gorwan, his second-in-command, whose hammer still dripped with the blood of the dracthyr.

“Gorwan,” Baldûr called out, his voice a rumble like distant thunder. “Report.”

Gorwan stepped forward, his face split by a wide grin beneath his braided beard. “Thane Baldûr, th’battle is won. Sarkareth lies dead, an’his forces scattered tae the winds. Oor casualties are heavy, but oor spirit remains unbroken.”

Baldûr nodded, clasping Gorwan’s forearm in a gesture of camaraderie. “Well fought, me brudder. Ye all done yer ancestors proud!”

He turned to address his clan, his voice carrying over the great hall. “Stoneforge! Today, we 'ave struck a blow against tyranny an darkness. Sarkareth sought tae claim the power of the Dragon Aspects, tae bend the world tae his will. But he underestimated the strength an’resolve o the dwarven heart!”

A cheer erupted from the gathered dwarves, their voices echoing off the distant walls. Baldûr raised his large hammer, its head gleaming in the light. “Oor ancestors watch over yer all 'tis day, their spirits lifted by oor victory. We 'ave shown the world again that the Stoneforge clan is a force tae be reckoned with, a bastion of courage and might!”

Last night Stoneforge downed the last two bosses in Abberus HC, with pure iron will, dwarven might and BIG Hammers we prevailed. Happy to see that at the end of season 4 we are still active and doing great deeds for dwarven kind!



With sharpened axes and the biggest hammers around, the Stoneforge Clan took down the awakened heroic Fyrakk last night, well helped by brave dwarves from the Children of Khaz’goroth community (more info about them here: Join the Children of Khaz’goroth Community and Stoneforge Clan Raiding! )

We hope to see more brave Dwarves join us for all kinds of content, be it RP, Raids, M+ or PvP, as we push on to take down whatever foolish foes tries to stand in our way! (and it is a foolish foe indeed that dare stand in the way of Dwarven ire!)

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A bit after the fact here, but the Stoneforge Clan (and our Dwarven friends from the Children of Khaz’goroth community) are now Awakened Heroes, having finished the three Awakened raids on heroic difficulty.

We also became owners of some nice (if somewhat inferior to Rams) fiery magmoths, after having finished the Vault achievements under the guidance of our Achievement general, Gorwan!

We hope to see more Dwarves (or Earthen when the time comes) joining us on our adventures, as members of the Stoneforge Clan, or as part of the Children of Khaz’goroth

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A reminder to all Dwarves out there that the Stoneforge Clan is still here, and pre-patch be damned, we’re still clearing heroic raids every week, tearing up mythic+ and swigging back some good Dwarven ale in the progress!

So, if you are of Dwarven persuasion, you are welcome to join us…or, if you already have a home that you are loath to abandon, you can join the Children of Khaz’Goroth discord and in-game community, and still come raid or do mythic+ with us! (Link in the post above this one)

Hope tae see ye there!

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