Joyeous Journey

Hi all, I read about the Joyeous Journeys buff was back in a couple of places, but wasn’t sure it was official. However, reading this:

Seems it should be… has it ended already? The post was only from just over a month ago. When I create a new character, or log on to one not max level, there is no buff. Am I missing something?


The post is over several months ago.

To clarify: The post is written in a RP-like way that the JJ buff was going out at the Firelands Patch which happened recently too and is confirmed here:

I mean… the date on the post is 7th October. With a few replies also dated 8th October. So how am I meant to know it’s from MONTHS ago? I have only resubbed a couple days ago, and absolutely no idea what patch Cata is currently on.

The wording is ambiguous.

“Take advantage of the Joyous Journey’s experience buff now. It’s an excellent opportunity for new and returning players to level up and join the defenders of Hyjal as they fight to create a foothold in the Firelands at the Molten Front before the Ragnaros makes his grand entrance in the Rage of the Firelands content update.”

I mean that just makes it sound like get levelled up to 85 in time for the raid opening. No mention if it going away. But like I say, it’s dated 7th October.

GG Blizz.

By comparing the posted date with the current date?

The patch version should be displayed in your BNET client and upon startup, but the Firelands patch we’re talking about was launched at 29/10 and the actual raid about one week later.

Click the link… Post date is 7th October.

What are you not getting? It’s currently 16th November. In the Gregorian November follows October. 7th October to 16th November is just over a month.

Yep it is displayed… but 4.4.random numbers doesn’t mean much to me. I don’t track a games progress by numbers. Patch 4.4, 5.1, 6.3, 7.2… meaningless to me. Say the Firelands Patch. That actually has meaning.

Afaik jj ‘event’ has ended. How that makrs sense? Dont know.
Also feel free to ignore letters in green. It is usually just a bunch of nonsense mixed with insults.


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