Judgement “Fresh” TBC Server EU

So with quite a few people wanting a fresh TBC server there is potential yo use the server Judgement. If Blizzard don’t change there position and give fresh servers this server has a population of 48 alli member and 0 horde. Could this server be used for a mass reroll even on the day of launch for anyone horde or alliance wanting to start over? Surely if there are only 48 players active the economy wont be that off balance and if a load of players all started at L1 on the same day it surely wouldn’t take much to pull the server into a virtually fresh economy


They dont care about us buddy
fresh server is not big deal and they know it ofc there is alot players want fresh!!!
But they wont listen we force to lvling in high pop servers now and ready for tbc …


I can slightly see it both ways yes lots of us want fresh but they probs dont want to announce it so people stop playing until TBC is released. Like I say what could be done is we could use the server Judgement for a full reroll as theres only 48 active players so no real economy anyway. Yes this isn’t a true fresh start however it might be the closest thing that we can get and I think that server is the best server for the community to organise a reroll on

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I’m here to bump the thread for you guys!

Hope you get more rerollers and form an awesome community.

I think you should make a petition for Blizzard to make the boost unavailable for this particular realm. I will sign it as well.


So I will use this to try and gauge interest in a full server reroll on Judgement EU PVP. The server is almost empty. I made both an alliance character first and then a horde character and checked both AH. They both have a minor amount of items on the AH most are high level but nothing I believe will be too impactful if we got a large player base all on at once

Ill try and talk Blizzard’s language:

If you make fresh servers, I’ll play TBC Classic and be subbed.
If you don’t, I won’t play it, and you won’t get my money.

Hope that explains it clearly enough.


TBC “refresh” Judgement Server EU - Gauging interest

As Blizzard so far are advising that they wont be releasing fresh TBC servers at launch I think the best possible opportunity is to have a reroll event on the Judgement EU server. This is not a one faction search. If we want the best possible fresh experience we need players for both factions. If you are interested comment below. If you are not interested in “fresh” TBC servers this isn’t a post for debate but a post to try and gather interested parties together.

Surely judgement won’t exist in classic when tbc comes, judgement will become a tbc server as stated in blizzcon, all current live servers will become TBC? So I imagine they will give new servers to classic that you can copy the character to?

Edit: I’ve read the initial post wrong… ignore me :grin:

Would be nice to get some new players here! There’s been a fair few low levels join us already since the announcements

Probably the closest we will get to fresh

Anyone interested in a fresh start this is the place for you. We are currently organising a server reroll both Horde and Alliance with the aim of the closest possible “fresh” server experience without Blizzard offering fresh servers. Join the discord ready for the reroll:


In less then 24hrs we have gained over 330members wanting to play either Alliance or Horde


Cant believe you are stupid enough to advertise a private server on the official forums…

Cant believe you’re stupid enough to not realise this is a reroll on an official blizzard server. Try doing research before jumping to conclusions


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