Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

What action? Nothing to do ingame.

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i need more details on what this 60 boost skips… because if i still have to farm a lot of stuff, im not interested.

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exactly this >:(

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It takes 2 days to get to max level, who wants this?

the fact that this boost costs the same price as a full game is actually insane


Bobby needs a new private jet? Or wants back the money from his paycut.


This thread literally makes me cry.

'Ey, Blizzard? Yeah, you. Look at me.
I think you’re pathetic.


makes me smile some of these comments are gold :smiley:

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I can’t say I agree with you there. First time round it is good but after a few goes no one likes levelling a new character and it has probably been one of the most complained about aspects of the game since forever.

I will say that I strongly disagree with a level 60 boost and that the previous level 50 was quite high enough in my opinion.

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Have you looked… level 50 boost isn’t on the store anymore… it’s 60 or nothing.

If you really want to sell these boosts then have them give you max renown and anima as well… Hell you can even skip the level boost and just have that stuff.

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But not WoW token right? wow token can stay.

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I wonder what happent tbh.

How could any thing be worse than BFA?

yk corona and maybe bad coffee at home office

3. Token


nah shadowlands is worse than corona

The removal of WoW token would be so good.

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read the room…disgusting corporate culture…usa yikes

No means no thank you ! But I bought a boost for tbc classic ?

Yeah but that that was for tbc classic your retail is so bad and boring then even at half that price I would not take the bet, oh and season of mastery is nearly up besides leveling in retail is a trivial task !

A pvp player unhappy who still doesn’t forgive you for slaughtering pvp and class balance especially Alliance and adding report/exclude player feature from battlegrounds and mercenary mode !