Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

Curious what you get with the boost. Gear only?
Or does it come with Renown 80, Covenant of choice and so on?

i guess no ones bought it yet as all the details would of been here by now.

Was this meant to be to someone else? (Not sure how it relates to my comment.)

I haven’t posted on the forums for years but had to make a post in the dim hope somebody working for blizzard reads this feedback and realises what a horrible horrible job they have done/are doing on this game for the last year.

The absolute cheek that this is being promoted when in actuality the customer base probably deserves a free boost or some kind of subscription refund given we’ve all paid for and subscribed at £10 per month for some of the laziest, worst content I’ve ever seen in my 15 years playing this game.

The fact you’re condensing the content into just two major patches, we’ve had to wait nearly 12 months for just two major content updates and seen some of the worst balancing in a game that should be improving year on year and frankly, after the mess that was BFA (especially the final patch) I don’t think the bar was set particularly high!

I’ve persevered longer than anyone else on my friends list at this point but you give me no way to justify a subscription to this garbage.


To pay 60 EUR…

you may not post here regularly but you speak the truth!

good on ya!

You should be ashamed yourself, Blizzard! You are INSANE!

I advise you to not buy boost, it is not worth.


You guys are funny.

It was too late a month ago…

Sellers and boosters are excitedly awaiting the early launch of this feature… But for ordinary players the cost of €60 is enormously expensive.

Guys, it isn’t even funny anymore.

The real lvling in SL starts at lvl 60 sadly. useless boost imo

price should been 10 euro top.


This used to be true, being max lvl and all, but sadly renown and conduits are the real lvls in wow now. so boost wont do anything for a new player.

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All my friends are went to FF14, and we are having a blast there.

Thx but I’ll pass.


90% of my friends have left WoW for other MMOs and as I can see they won’t come back.


WoW token is the only thing that makes the Game enjoyable atm tho.

Imagine having to farm the gold required for legendary base mats yourself, would take forever.

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I’m personally playing Blade & Soul full time again.

The Daily routine and general gameplay for that game is just more enjoyable.

Even if it has a lot smaller playerbase, stuff is just more enjoyable there.

60 euro! i could go in a restaurant and make a full dinner made by fresh fish!!! with oysters!!!

Oof. When will Blizzard learn honestly, boosts will always detract from player experience - even though not interested in the boosts are harmed by it because they end up no longer seeing more people leveling in the areas they’re in.

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So, it looks like were battling to 70 next expansion. If you want to skip tedious Shadowlands levelling, well pay up.

One would’ve hoped Shadowlands would join the 1-50 club and be optional, oh how merciful that would’ve been.

I wonder if it also suggests 60-70 will be a direct continuation, as they want to force Shadowlands, as in more ‘yawn’ ‘epic’ ‘bombastic fantasy’ nonsense.