Jurina'tore - The Great Hunt 🩌 (June 20th - 21st)

Where can I get animal masks? Golden clothing is easy enough, but the masks I’m not sure where to get. Or do we just rp wearing one?

There are several headdresses/helmets in game that look like animal faces, like owls, birds of varying kinds, wolves, sabers etc. Let your creativity run wild! ^^

On another note
I have finished the prize for the archery contest. It can be seen here: https://i.imgur.com/h9urq5u.png



Do you still need stags for the competition? And what does it entail?

I am getting married next week so i hope i can make it and why i have been silent in proposing myself before.

Hi! I believe I have all the stags I need for now, but thank you so much for offering. Huge congratulations on your impending nuptials. :slight_smile:

Another bit of news: rules for the archery contest have been added both here and on the argent archives page! So if any of you intend to participate in it, please have a read through. We will limit the signups for the Archery Contest to 20!


On Sunday the dance lesson will feature the following dances: Circle Dance: Praise Malorne and The Stag and the Hunter ! The first one doesn’t require a dance partner, the second one does but the roles are not gender specific!

Also finished the raffle prizes for the event!





Jurina’tore is happening tomorrow people!

I would like to add something to the rules of the Great Hunt.

The teams participating in the Hunt should make sure to have their team name/number in their TRP during the hunt itself, to help us and the stags to keep track. It is important that ALL members of a team has the team name/number in their TRP. Thank you!

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:musical_note:Its the most, wonderful time of the year

Can’t wait for this years hunt with people coming from all over, obviously lots of planning from the event holders and I wish them and those taking part the best. Very much intending to observe while in Feralas!


Thanks, Delanae! Looking forward to see you there. I hope you’ll participate in the hunt as well! :heart:

Jurina’tore is tonight! Looking forward to seeing everyone there! ^^


It’s happening tonight! Some last minute information to share with you all.

We now have an event map up on the Argent Archives page, it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/UDk5R8t.png The event will START at the training grounds, so that is where we will begin gathering.

The gathering will start at 19:30. Please take the first 15 minutes to gather your teams for the hunt and sign up with either myself or Melaniel. Each team needs to be 3-4 people. See this as an opportunity to team up with people you might not otherwise play with.

Around 19:45 we’ll go through the agenda as well as the rules for the hunt, so we can start the Opening Ritual at 20:00.

We now also have a prize for the Great Hunt! It can be seen here: https://i.imgur.com/wmRsyyd.png or on the AA page. Art is by me.

Looking forward to see you tonight! :sunny:



Thank you for the wonderful first night, it was super! The opening ceremony, the appearance of the many white stags and the kitchen in particular were my highlights!

Will share the screenshots I took later :slight_smile: Looking forward to day 2!

P.S. Also had fun coming up with the last open stage performance only minutes before stepping up on my trial alt Loitumal. I hope the Costume Change performance was fun to watch!


Huge thank you to everyone who attended the event tonight! We had a great turnout and a big shoutout and congratulations to all the teams who participated in the Great Hunt! A round of applause goes to our winners; Team “The Ravens”!

I would also like to thank Tharhan, Neiven, Telariel, Owlsong and AydriĂšl for being such wonderful stags. Thanks to Melaniel for helping me moderate the hunt and keep track of everyone!

Thanks to Ialluen, Alylia, Telariel, Ilyande, Kathene and Melaniel for helping me with the opening ritual. And thanks to Solonis for hosting the feast, and to Zithis, Misia, Amber, Alordyn and Loitumal for your lovely performances during the Open Stage!

I am looking forward to continue the festivities tomorrow! :crescent_moon:


This was truly a nice evening. Huge thanks to everyone involved who made it possible. Looking forward to tomorrow’s part! :crescent_moon: :deer:


Thank you all for putting this on! I had a blast, looking forward to the fireworks and archery contest tonight! :smiley:

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Some screenshots I took on the first night: https://imgur.com/a/yNkNBWY

I’ll be around 19:30 onwards on Hidani to start distributing the raffle tickets.

The dancing lesson after the archery contest will take place in the tree hall near the moonwell and I hope many will take part! The instructions are easy to follow, steps in different directions plus some emotes such as /bow and /cheer.

Looking forward to tonight!

Edit: correction, distributing the raffle tickets 19:30 onwards!

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Here are some screenshots I took during the first night as well: https://imgur.com/a/p40VBDz

For tonight then
as Acrona mentioned above, we’ll start handing out raffle tickets at 19:30 and during this time we will also open up signups for the Archery Contest! Signups for the Archery Contest are limited to 20 places, so it’s first come, first served.

If you have any fireworks or firework toys, you’ll be more than welcome to fire those during the firework extravaganza at the conclusion of tonight’s festival!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all and celebrate with you again tonight!