While the obvious QoL changes such as making it possible to keep a listing up 24/7, able to sign for a listing 24/7 even if the leader is offline to help enable scheduling when to play, or simply to make it possible to keep a group listing up while doing other things like instanced content such as BGs and dungeons, would all be great.
As well as adding more baseline information available to people in the group finder itself.
This thread isn’t about that. It’s instead about Mercenary Mode.
While it’s kind of a “meh” feature right now, and has been since its inception, at least it has laid the foundation to make it possible to queue for rated PvP with mercenary mode, if they’d enable a “rated version” of it regardless of population figures on either faction for rated content only.
If they’d also make it possible to view the opposite faction’s pvp group finder when buffed with the mercenary buff, it’d also make it possible for the entire WoW population to be engaged in it, for both factions.
While it wouldn’t solve anything, it’d at least help mitigate a painful problem for many while they’re looking for a group. Their available options would increase.
(The group finder visibility would probably need some extra work, but the hardest part which is the mercenary buff itself is already there to use as the foundation, for the developers.)
Another idea would be to connect the group finder to your bnet. So instead of keeping a WoW window up unnescessarily, you would be able to just keep the bnet app running while watching Netflix or something, without the need to tab back to WoW and so on (or that it’d be distracting to the side of what you’re watching on the other screen, if you’ve got more than one screen).
It would need to be fleshed out with character information and basically a whole new interface to work smoothly for the customer experience though.
A bnet integration would also enable the possibility to add it to the phone app, so people would be able to find others while doing stuff IRL or while on their way home etc.