Just add Cross realm at this point

These megaservers are burning.

People are fed up and want to play, not wait for 8 hours, and not stay logged in remotely from work, or log in from work so they maybe only have to wait 2 hours to play instead of 8

Just use the same server technology you use in retail and add cross realm for several servers.


At this point. I kinda agree.
Literally, nothing else matters if you canā€™t even play the game.

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At this point i donā€™t know what is funnier (in the sad way) the excuse this would destroy some peoples ā€˜ā€˜original experienceā€™ā€™ which is nothing even close to the original ofcā€¦ or blizzardā€™s ā€œhelpfulā€ reaction to allow us fix the problem by giving option to go either on 1 empty pvp realm or French-german speaking realms LMAOā€¦ You wanna go to mograine (that has no queue atm even at prime time) then you gotta pay for every toon you send thereā€¦ Itā€™s not about stealing our money of course now is it ?.. Now letā€™s keep paying sub and NOT being able to even login to play , OR play and have huge lag / often disconnects like we do last 2 monthsā€¦
I just hope some streamers start a petition to ask for our money back for last 2 atrocious months. Compansate for money we spent on a game that isnā€™t even playable for last 6-7 weeksā€¦
PS. Jokes aside fix cross-realm or even the super sheepnerds like ourselves will leave you and go back to private servers ā€¦ Imagine a free server respecting players more than a multi-billion company ā€¦ S H A M E !

Just a quick question - when I transfer with a free realm transfer - can I transfer back to Gehennas for 25 EUR even if its locked?

i dont think so mate

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Yes, please, just get on with it! Tired of waiting a workday to play.

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