Just add the cross realm LFG/RDF already

Well i ask you this, i did play while in the launch of wotlk and for some time also, cant remenber have this same retail lfg / rdf we have now, so if you as many other of us that are stucked in quehue, waiting to play there quests, gear up dailys or whatever, waiting for bee able to play where 99% of most players have there partys made with the mages and watever for spell cleaving ready. What makes the rdf be usefull if players of this one server that has no cross realms , because there didnt exist in wotlk, people played with players of the server and not with many others?

I dont get your argument of rdf be able to satisfy your needs?

Thats such a bad excuse… What about bgs and arena?

You’re ABSOLUTELY wrong, Not only has it been confirmed by WarcraftLogs developer that Classic is much smaller than retail (only in China classic is more popular) but I have the numbers to prove it

Using data from WOWPROGRESS and IRONFORGE.PRO we can find the number of raiders/Arena players which has always been a reletevly accurate indicator of the number of players on realms.

36 EU / 25 US realms above 5K population
16 EU / 13 US of those are above 10K population
and 5 EU / 3 US of those are above 20K population.

Meanwhile on classic
The number of total realms
11 EU / 8 US above 5K
6 EU / 6 US of those above 10k population
Only 1 EU / 2 US of those are above 20K.

Now show me what backs your claims besides your blind hatred for retail.

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Competing? The numbers are higher than retail. Way higher even

I’m sorry but I can’t understand what you’re trying to say here.

i try to question again. At what version of world of warcraft retail you remenber to introduce the lfg / rdf as we have now in shadowlands? and what did i had behind as answer to problem it exist back then with the amount of empty servers for people that whanted to make content? And i mean, there was the realm x and that players of realm x had to play with them self and look for groups.

Good point, didn’t think of that.

RDF was introduced in the ICC patch of WotLK (which will be phase 4 for us)
As we have seen in Classic / TBC, After the first phase ends and new content is released dungeons completely die on anything but the mega realms and even there it still takes a while to fill up a group and most people who level alts end up being forced to either afk in BGs to get the previous season Arena gear or join GDKPs of the previous raid tier to gear their alts.

This will simply get much much worse in Wrath due to the fact that the difference in power between tiers is way bigger than anything we have seen so far and old content will be completely dead as soon as the new tier is out outside of GDKPs.

We ask for RDF at least in phase 2 because it will massively improve the experience of any returning player or anyone who is leveling an alt and not have to rely on GDKPs or waste hours upon hours and at the end only end up doing a dungeon or two.

This isn’t #nochanges or #nochanges thread/discussion, you seem to have understood it wrong.

I think your confusing .

“Patch 3.1.0, ‘Secrets of Ulduar’, was released April 15, 2009.[20] Players discovered the titan city of Ulduar to learn it was a prison keeping the Old God of Death, Yogg-Saron inside. New content along with the new raid, Ulduar, was added including the new Argent Tournament Grounds. The dual talent specialization and the equipment manager were added to the UI. Patch 3.2, ‘Call of the Crusade’, was released August 5, 2009.[21] Since release of Argent Tournament in patch 3.1.0, players have been fighting champions of each faction. Patch 3.2.0 added the Crusader’s Coliseum raid, a PvP season 7, a new Battleground, Isle of Conquest and some Argent Tournament quests. The final major patch for the expansion, Patch 3.3, ‘Fall of the Lich King’, was released on December 9, 2009.[22] It added the Icecrown Citadel raid, where players would fight the Lich King and the main storyline came to a conclusion. Other new content included the Kalu’ak Fishing Derby. Cross server LFG (looking for group), which allowed players from different servers to play together in a dungeon. Patch 3.3.5, released on June 22, 2010, was a minor content patch that released the Ruby Sanctum raid and added cross-game chat using Battle.net. The raid features fighting against the black dragonflight that is attempting to destroy the Sanctum to facilitate Deathwing’s reemergence.”

And i say again , only and only when they launched cross realms , and that was in my humble opinion they launched LFG/RDF as i recall, so problably you or me are miss understanding the concept of cross realm and lfg/rdf to resolve the issue of empty servers and players unable to make content previous to cataclysm

I seriously don’t understand what you’re talking about.

I think you dont ready what i posted.

I keep it simple , Server not empty, Server doesnt need cross realms, Without the need of cross realms no need for lfg / rdf. Get it now?
So hard to read?

RFD was released in 3.3, aka in Wrath of the Lich King December 8th 2009.

4.0 was released October 12th 2010 almost a year later.

So no it wasn’t a Cata thing.

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Did you read anything i wrote for a change???

LFG/RDF was “Solution” to empty servers and players unable to find groups within there only server and that was in WOTLK launch of ICC , Introdution of Cross Realms. Patch 4.0 witch you spoke and just for me to be shure i google it is patch of cataclysm… geeze

I mean, why do you think they treat it as a side project?

You should take a break. It’s not the first time you read into things in completely the wrong way. And nice quoting btw, you barely managed to cut it where i was continuing my post with “i’m sure players also wouldn’t mind…”

Kasmira if your refering to me i was replying to wkellar, so my apolagies if you think it was you ive been replying.

Nono, we’re good :slight_smile:

wowpedia fandom com/wiki/Patch_3.3.0

Cross-Realm Dungeon Finder

The Dungeon Finder is now available, providing players with quick and easy access to five-player parties. This feature connects all realms within a battlegroup using an advanced matchmaking system, making it easier for players of all levels to find a dungeon group. In addition, players can reap additional rewards through the Dungeon Finder by choosing the Random option, which is available to both pick-up and pre-formed groups. Check out the User Interface section for more details.

Because it has less players than retail, Much less monetization opportunities and limited preset life where a good percentage of the player base are simply visitors.

Geeze Wkellar are you realy trying to be right without seeing the reality??

When they launch the Lich king patch servers where empty . Players of horde or ally on diferent servers did not have enought people to play. Thats why the only reason they implement cross realms and with that lfg diferent then what they originaly concept . Reason that the patch i spoke and quoted was mentioning cross realm. Do you realy think that blizz seing there servers full do realy need to implement patch that was necessary back then but not now? comon are you real that needed for pointing something that we have now but not equal of cross realm implementation of something that was needed back then but not now cause there arent more that one server of wotlk?

here you go.