Just can't get to understand crafting AH. Too complicated

I have tried in insanity to understand crafting and it just won’t get into my head.
3 months and I still don’t get it, a billion bop items, qualities that are randomly placed, additional items to add for “plus something something”.

Comision without a roof of why or how much or, am I suppose to wait or, chase someone.
Crafting myself, tons of trees of, some just spezialation “brain fried”.

Oh and there is also some random stuff that makes unique “special” items that you can have 2 of and they can have more… gems? And I can only have bronze quality when asking for craft… or can I?

I mean, is it only me, I know I never manage to learn anything in school and cus of that gotta take scrap jobs. But I have never been this confused in nearly 20 years playing this.
Just feel like I miss out on stuff cus I’m dumb or something.


Same here, it’s a bad system but i stick to mining and herb.

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Its not that complicated. Each craft has base recipe difficulty which can be increased with adding extra things like increased ilvl, specific stats and embelishment. Each of those tell you how much difficulty increases.

If item has 350 base difficulty and you add missive which is 15, ilvl essence which is 50 for 418 it increases recipe difficulty to 415. 415 is difficulty to get item to max lvl. You as a buyer can help reaching that difficulty based on mats you provide. lf you provide max lvl mats you contribue (i think) 100 towards reaching that difficulty.

From that point its up to crafter. Crafters get 100 towards it with profession skill which maxes at 100. Then with rare quality proff equipment they can reach +22.

So now without specialization we are at:

415 difficulty
100 (from maxed proff)+ 100 (from best mats)+ 22 (proff eq) = 222

Crafter will be able to make rank 3 item. Which is 412 ilvl.

Here is where specialization comes. Lets say we are talking about JC and ring

There is base jewelcrafting specialization which gives skill to all crafts which gives + 30. Then there is base gear specialization that gives 30 to everything gear related. Then jewelry which gives + 30 for necks and rings. And then there is ring specialization which gives + 30 to rings.

So now with 120 points invested that JC can contribute + 120 (and some bonuses from milestones) so around 165 which brings us to 387/415.

Now to reach that max lvl for guaranteed max rank crafter has to use Illustrous insigh which costs 50 mettle and adds + 30 skill which brings it to 417/415.

Otherwise item will be guaranteed rank 4 with % chance for inspiration proc which gives chance to craft item with increased skill.

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I don’t get it still. But at least I learned a secret that you can gem your necklace.

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Also when it comes to stuff you put on items, there is no randomness. You can only have 2 embelished items. Some items like Lariat, Frostfire Belt, Ring of shielding have specific procs or bonuses which are embelished by default. Items that only have secondary stats can be embelished during craft or recraft with embelishment of your choice. There is item that gives proc damage on attack. Item that increase duration of dps potions. Item that increase mastery whem above 90% hp.

2 sockets item is called Tiered Medallion Setting and can be added to any neck by anyone and can be bought on AH. You can even put 3 on neck that doesn’t have socket . Just remember 2nd socket can only be added with item rank 2 and 3rd socket with item rank 3.

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I figgured out the neck thingy so that is good. But I still don’t understand embelished, and the epic gem. Am I to run for someone everytime I get an upgrade? And what is comission to someone, is it 10k or 100000k??
I know people will say “go read this site etc” I can’t learn like that.

Embelished just means “Items with special effects”.

This is my armory page. If you put mouse over my neck and bottom ring you will see 2 special effects. Those are embellishments. And it says on item under its name Unique equipped: Embellished 2.

Epic gem is just a gem that in addition to secondary stat (haste, crit…) gives primary stat. And you can only wear one.

As for commission, well, thats up to the crafter. Some people are expensive af. Some are cheap. Some recipes are also rare and people invest a lot of gold to obtain it. Like if you look at my top ring. That recipe appears occasionally on my AH for 1-1.5 million gold and if i bought it and charged 10k per craft, i would need to make 150 to break even. While bottom ring recipe u learn from investing knowledge and i usually charge 1-2k on my JC.

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First of all. Thank you for taking the time to explain. However with commission it seems flawed, I find it hard to understand because there isn’t really any answer. It is up to anyone really. But at least I figured out the the necklace thing so that is something. I still think it is a poor written system, or maybe I am just stupid. Who knows.
Thanks again.

Well commission is the only thing that remained unchanged when it comes to professions compared to last 17 years.

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