So yeah to the undead warrior megahero Miryam (what a lame name btw) who just ganked a guy 20+ levels lower than him.
Do you feel big? Do you feel like a real man?
You better savor that feeling while you can. Because I’m quitting this game right now. But you will still be here after phase 2, waiting in 50+ minute BG queues cause people like you made all alliance leave the server.
Same goes out to the a-holes who camped the road in Redridge.
I’d rather be the guy ganking someone 20 levels lower than be the guy who goes on forums and complains about it and quitting the game 
lol roll pve realm if you can’t deall with this.
These things happens on both sides, just shrug and move on.
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post with your classic character so i can gank you too
Did you just come on the forum to whine about somebody ganking you in the game??? LOL
And you are quitting the game because of that??? And it’s not even the weekend ffs…
Also naming and shaming is not allowed here.
The vast majority of Horde players on this server are lame manlets tbf
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hey dont take the fun for urself lets kill together and look at his name just lol i bet its the same because its his irl name maybe
This is why i kos alliance. lol.
Kos? Teach me what it mean dawg
Kill on sight.
Oh mighty Kork, I wish I could get Warchief blessing, and aid you in your fight!
Dam thats a hard word its like confusing with all h like where is it gona be less gramatical error if u just write abrations like lol and kos and rofl, like who even comes up with lauhg?
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I don’t know whether to find this confusing or hilarious, so let me sure I got it right.
First you mock someone’s name, while you yourself being named “Turbovirgin” of all things?
You got ganked, so I’m guessing you’re on a pvp realm. Yet, you’re upset about this knowing how the game works? What did you expect; morality on the internet?
Then you finish things off, by mocking the game in a “joke is on you, you will still be playing the game that I ragequit, but would have played anyway wasn’t the world so unfair”-kind of sentence.
ps. camping Redridge is good fun. Guessing for the same reason people kill the flight master in Crossroads or gank lowbies in STM. Not that it is something I’d personally use time on, but that’s why we have PVP realms and PVE realms. (: So you can actively avoid it if you can’t stomach getting ganked.
Weren’t bgs going to be cross-realm? Odd comment then.