Just hit 60 as HC SF

I reached level 60 and my buff “Soul of iron” got an addition saying “Unbroken Self-Found Champion” I also still have the Self found adventurer buff. Anyhow after relog champion buff is gone, Self found adventurer buff stayed.

I want to remove SF after 60 will I ever get the champion back or was it a one time thing?


This bug appears after new SoD patch comes out. It affects all SF who hits 60 after patch. There’s threads on reddit and US forums - without blue answers and ETA still unknown.

As SF character, I was affected by this bug too. :frowning: It’s sad that Blizz ignores us.


Reporting BUG or issue wont help as GMs are not able to help

After several generic replies I finally received a human response where GM claim they aware of the issue but to this day there is no official Blue post on forums.

This company is a joke and i miss early 2000s blizz.

Despite paying 12e a month there is none customer service as this is obviously run by external company

each time i renew my sub i immediately regret it

Blizzard please fix this problem !


Please fix the unbroken and firelord soul of iron titles

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