'Just ignore it'

Doesn’t help that people keep complaining that things stay the same and don’t change… only to then vote the same dude into office for the -fourth- time…


can’t believe out of all the cursed food pics this is the most cursed pic of them all

2016 and its consequences have been devastating to the western countries.


Calling you guys what you are isnt having a melt down lmao, you guys historically dogpiling on the forums are meltdowns, those are meltdowns, and those are very frequent, get the help you keep implying I need, please for your own sake and anyone around you.

So you got into your tank… And literally took on the whole forums face first…

Sigtry I am not against you. But there comes a time to know when to stop, And when to answer for your self… And up untill now you look like your flaying with your arms angrily against the wind… Everything you have said has been drowned in replies.

It could have looked like another historical dogpiling on the forums. But when you keep going for days and hours at a time giving them more to eat you alive about. Your literally feeding the bear… With your self… And we’re all watching… And its getting disturbing to watch.

There are accusastions raised against you that i imagine will follow you for quite some time posting in the future, And not once during this entire time. Did you step back and recollect your self and regain context.

You can draw the line on this, Take a minute and step back. Read over the thread and what people are saying. And make a stance and clearify. And step back, Don’t make every hill a forum pvp match to die on.

400+ posts you saying the same thing over and over and providing no substantial explanation outside of “waaaa”

I’m the one having a break, sure.
You’re the common denominator in every thread that has an “AD Moment.” Maybe… Just maybe… It’s not EVERYONE ELSE…
Maybe… Its you.

I doubt you’ll even read and properly comprehend what I’m saying; but it is you, Sig. You and your trans-exclusionary comments that you still believe and support with no regard to respecting those who your opinions directly and indirectly affect.

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You don’t get it. It’s the forum bullies. They are the ones doing it, they are behind everything.


(I come here to post memes and little else. Tyvm.)


I’ll add to yesterdays list the last stuff he said the other night which aside from all other things on repeat also now includes:

  • Likening people to rats and talking about "setting the dogs"on them.

And since I forgot it earlier:

  • Has repeatedly claimed that every person who has said to be trans and told him he is wrong are actually just lying about being trans to discredit him.

I’m feeling really Sígtryggr’ed right now by this entire thread.


Just the new coat of paint on not being “politically correct” which was, all along, a reactionary refusal to adapt to the times.

Just gonna toss out that a lot of terfy stuff is part of a trend in many movements for change; people who fought and toiled for the rights of women, in this particular case, won’t tolerate “new” people coming along and ruining the definitions and goalposts in their sisterhood, thus diminishing their struggle and egos.

In want of intersectionality, every individual movement is a rival for portions of what positive changes can be hoped for.


It’s genuinely very sad that, rather than realise we should all be coming together to fight for collective rights, they (TERFs) want to flip from being progressive straight into being a reactionary regressive.

Asserting that gender is immutable is an incredibly conservative take that harms everyone. They used to be desperate to escape the gender roles imposed upon them… and now they aggressively impose gender roles on men and women.

I have no idea what they think about non-binary or otherwise non-conforming people and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.


im sorry but… where the hell is this going now? Explain it to me like im five… :pray:

Politics sucks and everyone today feels the need to have a political stance in everything.

My main issue is when people on both sides have an “if you’re not with me, then you’re against me.”

Hypothetically let’s say I disagree with you. I am not in a position to deny anything you support from going forward.

In the words of Rick James:

Only a conservative deals in absolutes…

throws cloak off


What the hell kinda blueberries did you all pick today. I’m missing out.



Please add Ziliax to the core set Blizzard.

(Wait a moment this isn’t the Hearthstone forums…)


Can’t believe he’d say that just because I almost exclusively play worgen…

If only…

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What I will say is that trans rights is not a matter of politics. Conservatives/bigots/whoever try to make it onto one rather than acknowledge that it’s fundamentally a matter of human rights.

Unfortunately there is a real element of ‘if you’re not with me, then you’re against me’ in this context. I say this because the status quo is not one of equal rights or opportunities. Consequently, not being a supporter of the position of LGBTQ+ rights activists is effectively being against it.

There’s not really a middle ground between ‘trans people deserve the same rights as everybody else’ and ‘trans people don’t’. It’s one or the other.

Disclaimer: I’m not trying to suggest anything about your personal politics, you’ve been an ally in this thread, I’m just using it to make a general point on the topic of trans rights.


That’s true but it’s been made into a ‘political issue’

You know what
The fact you HAVE to add that shows how ridiculous it’s gotten these days.
I trust your statements are not ATTACKS even though they may contrast with my beliefs.