'Just ignore it'

Basically the view is that enbys are invalidating the struggle for women’s rights by denying the binary and being confused and in need of correction if they are what terfs regard as actually women.

If they are what terfs regard as actually men, it’s the same reprehensible appropriation of womanhood that they accuse transwomen of doing.

The short of it is that they don’t recognise non-binary people as valid nor making any sense within the immutable binary they ideologically rely upon.


There’s a big reason as to why you’ll often seeing people make the hashtag of Trans Rights Are Human Rights every time JK Rowling decides to start howling, or every time the LGB alliance is unable to include the fourth letter of LGBT.

Everybody deserves to feel comfortable in their own body without fear of discrimination or violence.


It’s been made into a political issue by the people who would deny us those rights, sadly. LGBTQ+ activists are only responding to what’s been made.

Most trans people would love to be able to focus on other issues - wealth inequality, climate collapse, the cost of living - but it’s hard to give these topics the attention they deserve when the major political parties use you as a punching bag whenever they need to distract from their present oopsies.

The Johnson administration in the UK has absolutely loved doing that. It forces trans people into a very defensive corner.

Of course to use Levey’s favourite term, intersectionality, trans people are also disproportionately harmed by topics such as wealth inequality.


And my parents try to tell me that I’d hate a Labour government more lmao


I don’t particularly trust Labour with these issues either – not under Starmer’s neo-liberals – but I’d at least feel safe that things wouldn’t get worse.


Now we’re all just agreeing with one another. Let us return to the matter at hand.

There are actions both irl and in RP behaviour that need addressing. Just ignoring it isn’t healthy for the realm and communities.

It is my personal feeling when observing such that I claim: This is why I take issue with the ‘you do you’ stance.
In an ideal world we can trust people to ‘do how they be’ but we’re not in the ideal world. The realm is a broken realm.
It has come to the community for casual moderation as opposed to blizzard, for example.

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I mean I wouldn’t even feel safe in that since they’re UK politicians and none of them are trustworthy when it comes to caring about another human being.

But Tories are the worst for it so anything else is a step up.


While true, I’d say the correct course of action is to call them out, report them if there’s any wrongdoing, push them away from RP spaces and then just ignore them, since you can’t do much else.

If that attitude is adopted en-masse then in an ideal world the gross people would get no RP outside of their circles of other gross folk and everyone can just get on with their lives.


The neutral good outcome which I can absolutely live with

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Everyone already does that. From an outside view looking in though. It seems to live rent free in some peoples heads.

Yeah and we’re gonna keep… Ahem… ‘Not ignoring it.’

I fully believe in community self-moderation over predatory players - the type of people who prey on others, who bring sexual topics into inappropriate spaces, who bring real world bigotry into the game & community. These people, if their behaviour is proven, should be openly called out for it.

When I speak of proof I think that this is one of the most important things. Labelling someone as x or y simply because they’ve done something you dislike doesn’t count. Any reasonably-minded player should want to avoid making baseless claims that only serve to make the idea of protecting the community appear incredibly toxic and biased.

Further, there’s a trend of labelling anything ‘abnormal’ as gross and degenerate, which I find to be very uncomfortable as it mirrors real-world rhetoric that targets vulnerable groups. ERP isn’t this horrible disgusting thing – it only becomes those things if it’s inflicted upon minors or in public spaces where minors & people who didn’t consent can stumble upon it.

I’m as clear as I can be on this topic because I’ve seen it happen again and again over the years.

I don’t believe in self-moderating players who aren’t bothered about canon lore or otherwise behave in a way that isn’t congruous with the setting. They don’t bother me unless they try to force their style of roleplay onto me. I will simply avoid or ignore them as best I can.

The TLDR of this is that we should be careful about who gets called out because if there’s no definitive evidence it just makes the people doing the calling out look much worse.


From the original OP to all the replies inbtween. To this, Thank you Loras :pray:

Hard to keep track above it all with all thats been said, And where ever the f we are now :eyes:

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Re: proof and bigotry, as well…

A lot of proof of someone being a transphobe or a homophobe or whatever ends up being some horribly cropped out of context screenshot of a discord DM.

And I think it’s important to state that the odd distasteful jape here and there behind closed doors, while not indicative of a good person, isn’t something anyone should really give a damn about when discussing RP.
It becomes a problem when they’re actively spreading hate on a public forum like Sig.


It partly depends on the nature of those jokes, who’s making them, and how often they’re made. Comedy is largely about punching up rather than down – mocking people less advantaged than yourself tends to be in poor taste.

It also comes down to a matter of consent; I might be fine with a friend making juvenile jokes at my expense since I know and trust them, but if a stranger made the same jokes? I’d probably be uncomfortable and put-off by them. My friends have proven that their humour isn’t necessarily a reflection of their real values – a stranger hasn’t proven that yet so all they’re showing to me is that they have a casual disregard for social etiquette.

All of that aside, though, and you’re absolutely right that publicly spreading harmful and aggressive disinformation is the worse of the two.



To simplify what you’re saying on comedy…

If you take the ‘text’ away from ‘context’ all you are left with is a ‘con’


I’ve seen so many community disputes (not just on AD) start over contextless discord messages it’s rather disheartening.

If someone posts a source for an accusation and it’s one or two messages presented with everything else cropped or censored? That’s, in a lot of cases, simply not good enough. And we should definitely make sure to demand better.

Otherwise people who put in effort to do everything right will still get hit by malicious actors cropping stuff from an 18+ discord server. Or forcing people to out themselves over some off colour joke with friends.


It’s funny that this is sort of also what transmedicalists are thinking. Yesterday I had the unfortunate disappointment in Hunter Schafer liking a transmedicalist post that basically blamed the loss of trans healthcare in the US on enbies.

Hoping that’s more of a like to see the post easily after and not in actual support, but still :upside_down_face:


To use the infamous AD Discord as an example, there was a particular individual there on numerous occasions posting transphobic remarks, not the least of which advocated them to be shot as target practice, and specifically telling a trans individual they wish they made The Statistic Increase.

The reason why I did crop it out, when showing their actions to someone, was to not associate the people talking around him with his transphobic regards due to the speed at which chat was flying and different conversations taking place at the same time. Screenshotting it all in that specific instance made it look like other people were being implicated in his transphobia.