'Just ignore it'

Predators sure, but “problematic” people like iterated earlier, lmao, “problematic people” I wonder who would be the judge of who and what is problematic, probably people who could be argued as being fairly problematic themselves to many, sounds more like “people who dont agree with me/us”

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It’s going to be really hard for anyone to speak freely about this topic if we keep talking and replying to each other as whole groups as a whole.

Absolutely, yeah. Anyone who’s provably a predator, a nonce, or whatever else deserves everything that comes to them in that regard.

The problem is where we draw the line and who decides where that line is drawn.


Its more the reputation of those who suggest all this naming and shaming, its gunna come with huge doubts/laughs/outright resistance/barely anyone entertaining it ect

You engage in degeneracy that hurts people (Noncery, predatory behavior, taking advantage of people in any regard), you get lambasted and strung out publicly. Everyone will know about what you do, for you are a danger. Let no one claim ignorance of predators (For we’ve had many, and many more are yet to be exposed).

You engage in RP that is detrimental to the server’s health? (Alt universe self-insert RP, lore breaking, normalizing deviant sexual behavior amongst minors, spreading false information about other RP groups as to “harm” them etc), you get put out there as well.

Educate the general server population, teach new RP’ers who does what so they do not get roped in with these cliques, and they themselves perpetuate the issue, normalizing it or engaging in it (See: A certain caravan).

ERP? If you are doing that in open channels, got f-lists linked in your TRP, open links to adult content, a literal first glance with a horse (You know exactly what this is)? Screenshot it. Put it out there.

If you want to ERP in private (Discord/Outside of open WoW etc) with someone and you’re both 18+ I couldn’t give less of a :poop: what you do in private. But for the love of the Good Lord above, what kind of troglodyte do you have to be to believe doing it in public for all to see on a PG12 game is somehow acceptable?

Name of the game. Name and shame. Show the community who is who, and spread the word of the damage they do to the innocent. The first step towards progress is being aware of the dangers.

I like plenty of comments I do not “support” because they’re funny or generally add to a conversation/topic, once more, even if I do not agree/support. Bruh.

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People trying to control others rp and then insulting them/“exposing” them/naming and shaming over things like self inserting or lack of lore adherence is probably more harmful to the community than those self inserting lore breakers themselves, as the self inserting lore breakers can be easily ignored, but those desperately trying to control the servers rp and standard arent as easily ignored, as they tend to do the whole huge “exposing” thing and lets be real, other underhanded tactics in order to destroy someones image, so maybe if naming and shaming people who arent just sensual predators we could also start naming and shaming those who wish to control rp, as a friendly warning to those normal people on the server who just want to rp in peace and not have to deal with such head aches of people.

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Glad you cleared that up ^^ Cause some came after your replies suggesting this went across a little more than predetors and ERP… Suggesting beginners or roleplayers who didn’t know the lore or knew how to fall into the theme or right setting of Warcraft get hung out and shamed too. So people naturally reacted a little bit. To put it mildly…

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He basically confirmed he also meant that aswell in his comment, the self insert/lore breaker thing, so he deffo doesnt just mean nonces and groomers ect, he means basically anyone whos rp isnt up to his standard

No worries. I am rocking Covid, so my ability to spew coherent agitation is limited as of currently.

Of course not. I want newer RP’ers welcomed and taught how to RP, so our community can grow and prosper. Hurting the new ones benefits no one.

Etienne. For the love of God, shut up. Having to see your erratic takes every other day is one thing, posting 50 posts a minute like it the forums is a rapid-fire blog. But in the name of the Lord, you are the last to speak on this matter seeing the people on AD you support and foster. Shoo.


Herraad take that advice yourself, shut up trying to tell people how to rp lol, as if your some maestro of rp, your not, its boring, as you can see by most people on the thread barely anyone cares what your standard or opinion on rp is, no one classes you fit or capable to police rp, read the room lmao

Good, when it can be objectively proven. Suppositions and assumptions are to be avoided here.

Bad. Needlessly elitist and exclusionary. It will achieve nothing more than alienating players. None of us should decide what is good roleplay and whether it is ‘detrimental to the server’s health’, which is frankly an extremely pompous statement anyway.

Same as the first quote I responded to.

Education requires consent first. Nobody can be taught if they haven’t asked for the lesson or otherwise agreed to it. You can lead a horse to water, etc.


The last person who should be telling anyone how to rp, we got comedians in here today

Trouble is you’re essentially lumping “badrp” into the same category as sexual predators and child rpers. If that’s not what you intend then fair enough, but it’s a big case of whataboutism that I’ve seen often.


These people have a bunch of 8-9 ft humans and basically rez any time they die, they arent the people to judge the servers standard of rp and thats just facts, slice it up however you want

Is that actually true?
I’ve learned plenty without asking for it, but you do have to be open to things mind you.

If you need hyperbole and outright fabrications to prove a point, I feel bad for you.

Galfordian moment.

That’s where the ‘otherwise agreed to’ bit comes in. Something like:

Loras: “Hey Distantpeak, can I talk to you a bit about why your qunari is so hideous and how to remedy it?”

DP: “Oh. Sure!”

Rather than -

DP: “No thanks. I like my ugly horned boy.”

The two aren’t the same but there’s a degree of overlap IMO. Regardless of any other preferences or RP styles, most people who I think consider themselves decent RPers know to distance themselves from child RP and overtly sexual interactions. “badrp” tends to attract child RP and such mostly because those circles don’t necessarily police RP the same way other groups do.

When nobody else will take in these dodgy characters, they’ll cling to the few people ignorant or tolerant of the stuff they do.

That isn’t to say that everyone who engages in a little bit of headcanon is guilty of inviting child RP, but I do think there is a bit of a commonality between the two groups.

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Not fabrications lol, but like I said earlier, always the mediocre rpers trying to police rp, the better rp’ers generally just stay in their lane and focus on their own stuff

You can tell me, I’ll consider what you say. But I think you’re wrong still.
He’s beautiful.

But I think most people are open to hearing things to a point.
That point can be a small pin head.

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