'Just ignore it'

Some say that Sissy Hypnosis is a tool that can only be used in the most dire of circumstances…


white knights of this thread :yawning_face:

If you have a solution that is better than “civil communication and should that fail ignore them” then do feel free to enlighten the ‘white knights’.


I’m afraid that the thread isn’t exacltly “white knight” friendly, so I’ll see myself out.

Also what if I identify as a Red Knight, heading to crisis mode

All jokes aside, it’s normal not to agree with someone and seeing threads are publicly posted so people can comment on it there is the clear expectation that people will have different experiences/approaches.
If that means group X as you may not aggree with them, is labeled as knighting, it’s nowhere near productive for a thread as this.
All that it leads to is for people to become less bothered with taking a discussion seriously, because instead of having a valid opinion, its reduced to just farming karma points.

Have some trust in people yo :face_with_head_bandage:


you people are insane


3,500 posts on a World of Warcraft Roleplay Forum? You may just be right.

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Making fun of people doing wholesome bikini party in the middle of a war zone is easy.

Suffering Blizzard lore accomodating them is harder.

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“actually guys bullying and public shaming for doing RP i dont like is the only way to save this dying shell of a server” Are you listening to yourselves lmao

This OP is pathetic because it acts on the assumption that there even are any big-scale events in places like Zandalar or Tian Monastery - there aren’t. There hasn’t been for months if not years, because the RP scene in-game has dwindled to the point of obscurity past bubbled guilds and sparse Stormwind encounters. The reason being is mostly Blizzard, but it can’t be ignored that the whole “bullying is rly epic” brigade got their wishes and harassed both the RPers they didn’t like and the decent RPers who just couldn’t stand them.

Idc if some fresh faced DM hosts a carnival in gosh darn Silithus, because at least that’s an attempt to cultivate roleplay. At least that’s offering a meagre contribution to to halt the “death of a thousand cuts” you all love to hammer home. Your solution to this is to crash the event with OOC motivations to ruin someone’s enjoyment? And you’re thinking that’s gonna save roleplay?

There aren’t many of us left, man. Some people just like having fun and casual events in areas that aren’t Stormwind. You can hissy fit about it or you can contribute your own roleplay elsewhere.


He doesnt, hes just being edgy because he thinks thats still cool

We know… We’re sorry :pleading_face:

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Just incase people see this thread a little later. …It wasn’t the OP who came up with the name and shame buisness. That was someone elses reply.

Yeah, the same people who have exaggerated or out right lied about people in the past aswell, so deffo wouldnt want those types incharge of any naming and shaming culture, fall out with them? get accused of all sorts, better off not fostering a culture of naming and shaming especially on a realm like AD where people do outright exaggerate or lie about people, of course the past is the past and we all forgive ect ect but none of us forget and the last people you want heading a naming and shaming culture are the types who suggested it, glad the majority here seem to agree how shameful/disgusting such a thing would be

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It was. And it was beautiful.

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I wouldn’t trust anyone with being the arbiters of good & bad roleplay - regardless of who they are, and that includes myself. Blizzard is the arbiter of what’s appropriate roleplay in the game (e.g. sexual content, extreme depictions of violence, real world bigotry), but even they don’t take the position of asserting what’s correct in terms of the setting and its in-universe rules.

Anyone who unironically wants to list the Good and the Bad of Argent Dawn is an absolute spanner that I don’t think I’d trust with leading a group running the Deadmines, let alone anything else. Really excessive elitism (way beyond simply holding personal standards of quality) is more damaging than anything else - it leaves roleplay as an exclusive hobby that excludes all else.


Agreed, no one should head it up, least of all those who suggested it but no one for sure should be some judge jury and executioner of “gd/bd rp”, from my experience most of those who adopt a very haughty elitist attitude tend to be mediocre af in terms of rp quality anyways, alot of the better rp’ers tend to be normal humble people with no desire to police others, its usually those mid carders or even low tier who tend to wanna lord it over everyone

I am really curious about this one :eyes: Over all id wish the hubs and communities where less hubbed and included eachother more. And ignoring eachother less. But doing this and want people to hub less up at the same time. When you wrote that… What was ‘‘the right way to employ it’’ you had in mind?

Yeah, but OP liked this post, which we can assume means they support it.


The ‘key offenders’ are already pretty notorious for the most part. The Master in Green & Lord of Northshire is very well-known and broadly avoided/scorned, as is his guild.

I’m all for naming and shaming predators.