'Just ignore it'

I just don’t see what the galaxy gains from cackling madmen kicking puppies, electrocuting kittens, and slicing orphans.


lol + didnt ask + cope

I’m so hurt by the literally who with a 2 year old account who seems to think he knows a thing about Vaxir’s predicaments years ago through 4th hand information.

Go back to /pol/


You’re just posting the negatives. What about the cool lightning powers and the cool accomodation of a giant space station? Huh?

Im so hurt that the who with an account I cba to even check doesnt like me, go back to…peeves is it? or whatever it is you do?

Partially why I like the sith is the over-the-top banality of them.
Half the time their “we’re not so different, you and I” type of villain speeches can just be diffused with a “Lol no”.

What do you mean? You never obliterated an entire planet?

pat pat

There there, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. CoAD will give you validation like last time you ran there with a sore bottom.

Look- I get that. Those are cool things. I just feel like maybe they could be used more constructively than disintegrating orphans? It’s just, orphan slaughter just doesn’t strike me as the most ethical option.

You guys speak about Coad more than myself lol, Im sure they find it flattering but from what Ive heard/seen its others running to them about me :wink: lmao

No no, you got it all wrong Tehya! It’s not orphan slaughter, it’s orphan’s laughter!

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We wouldn’t have so many orphans running around if the Jedi didn’t tie themselves to the Republic and their dogma.

Reject Sith and Jedi.

Embrace Knights of Zakuul.

Koth is one of the worst followers in the game for his steadfast refusal to acknowledge Valkorion might not have been anything but the perfect ruler.


Is my only mandatory kill across every character

I have 16


Koth is incredibly boring as a companion and character, I agree. And if you even dare to suggest Zakuul has flaws beyond Arcann he betrays you at atleast two or three times and openly hates you.

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Put him in a Koth-in.

As it should be.

He is a worse companion than Corso Riggs in that regard. Zakuulan society is obviously flawed, and while it might have been an interesting trait to have him so blinded by the ideals of what Zakuul should be, because he has bought into the propaganda machine so much, that he doesn’t see Zakuul for what it is.

But you can confront him with solid evidence of Zakuul’s wrongdoing to its own citizenry and he ignores it, anyone outside of Zakuul doesn’t matter at all so Zakuul’s crimes against them aren’t crimes. Corso is just annoying because he is written as a naïve farmboy who hasn’t left Ord Mantel, but he is meant to be a hard-core war veteran.


i just looked up koth and it seems he’s 1 of those characters that permanently wears goggles on his forehead and honestly i think all of those should die in every media forever without even a single exception.