'Just ignore it'

In a warcraft way, Thats as close as it gets

Thanks for the explanations, everyone! I get it now :slight_smile:

Think Forgotten Shadows in the way they go “both are natural and we love balance”
also remove the Forsaken’s auugh shadow is so natural i love it and the light kind of sucks i love shadow i use it all the time yes yes yes yes yes

I like to mess around on the forums and be an abrasive a-hole, its an amusing little pastime during quiet periods at work.

When it comes to the guild forum thread and in-game? I’d like to think I do as much as I can to provide an enjoyable RP experience to both guild members and anyone else I interact with in RP, with an attitude towards helping new folk and established RPers with the likes of concepts, events and character development.

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Centre-left liberals are falling fast to ideologically hollow market liberals in thrall to the far right movements they refuse to oppose, though.

Also, free market fundamentalism is lysenkoism for neoliberals.


Play your part and steal a neolib’s lunch money today. Give them a swirly if you feel like really impressing.


Utter nonsense.


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George Lucas famously hated the person who introduced Grey Jedi into the EU, because it actively shat on all world building revolving around what the Force is.

How George defined the Light and Dark is that the Dark Side is a corruption of the Force. The Light Side is the Force in balance, its natural state. The existence of the Dark Side is imbalance, an unnatural thing caused by the Sith’s torture of the Force. It shouldn’t exist, and wielding the two in tandem is not possible, because there is no moderation with the Dark Side. There is no balance between the two short of destroying the Dark Side.


People always argue that Grey Jedi are based because the Jedi are problematic in the prequels.

And like… Ok way to miss the whole point. The Jedi way being flawed and corrupting and accidentally inviting people to use the Dark Side doesn’t make the Dark Side a nuanced thing.


Not to mention the definition of “grey Jedi” was all over the place.

It varied from people like Qui Gon Jinn who followed their own philosophy and went against the default dogma of the Jedi Order at the time, to edgy anti-heroes who were able to wield every single Force ability without having to worry about following a code or being controlled by their emotions.


The most faithful adaptation of a “grey jedi” is Jolee Bindo, who’s defined as one not because he uses both Light and Dark, but because he’s a Jedi who walked away from the dogma of the order and instead devotes himself to the Light Side via his own ideology of embracing love.

He reasoned that although love can lead one to the Dark Side, this is only the case if one is never taught how to love in a healthy fashion. Repressing emotions - that which makes us all humans - and then expecting Jedi to be functional people is a recipe for disaster. Jolee reasons that love is one of the greatest forces of good in the universe if one learns how to love in a healthy and wholesome fashion, and knows how to let go.

To that end, I’d also reason that Obi-Wan embodied Jolee’s ideology, because he loved Satine with all his heart and even at one point considered leaving the Jedi Order for her, but their lives took different turns and they grew apart, but never truly stopped loving each other. And when time came, he was able to let go and find peace with it. Anakin couldn’t and he grew possessed by the dark, jealous form of love it turned into when he lived his life being told to ignore it.


Just don’t be all authoritarian theocrat about it.

Counter point:

The dark side is hilarious


Palpatine is having a great time and can’t help but laugh during every scene he’s in

Was waiting to see when Jolee was going to be brought up and I’m glad he was because he’s great.
He’s the best example for a grey, and was the one I kept in mind when I made the grey I roleplay as in SW:ToR sometimes. While the idea of them in SW lore is a bit awkward, it makes for fun RP because of the problems they tend to face with their seeming fence-sitting.

Mhm. I hear you. However, counter point:

dark siders are literally terrorists

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Nah, but this GD’er is a classic AD’er in truth, a trans person being transphobic while claiming others are infact the transphobes, theyd fit in great with you regulars Queue Benny Hill music

I like sith because they get yellow eyes and do the zappy zap


Pretty much how my sith sorcerer operates.
Very Forsaken / Goblin adjacent. Right in my wheelhouse.

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Don’t need to queue it. It started once you started typing this post.

P.s. Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Why don’t you contribute to the topic at hand instead of dragging up previous topics in an attempt to box more shadows?

One Jedi’s terrorist is the galaxy’s hero fighting against the dogmatic beliefs of the Jedi Order and the tyranny of the Galactic Republic.