'Just ignore it'

What you said wasn’t a threat at all. It is a very clear difference between saying that someone might or probably will end up beaten up if the say certain things in public, compared to directly stating that you yourself will actively assault a person if you would meet.

Sig did the latter, you did the former.

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Nah, you did nothing wrong.

Just he lashed out at you when you’ve not even been in the middle of the argument.

I like to step into arguments, give my pointless opinions and move on. Its a chilled life.

I’ve unfortunately watched dudes in pubs get thrown over tables for their whacky opinions before.

Dudes intoxicated and maybe on other substances, mixed with weird views don’t mix all too well.


genuinely everytime i learn of something i missed i start to resonate with this more and more on saying things that will get me banned


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I hate those blokes that go to the pub thinking its some kind of forum and start debating nonsense, bloody hell we had some man-child that did that at a pub i went to visit.

Steal the wheels under his house.


better steal em off the horse an trap too to be sure

I go to a pub to chill with others, not listen to someone’s crazy political views.

We barred a guy from a pub for just annoying everyone with his opinions


As it should be

Based on what Daniel Craig said, gay bars are a better place to drink at because you don’t have super aggressive dudes trying to assert their dominance.


I guess I’m lucky the pub I usually go has a lot of gay people there so often shielded from the worst of the crazies.


I’ve gone to a few when I went to Amsterdam.

(We don’t have any gay bars in my small country town)

Actually found it a really nice place. Didn’t even notice it was a gay bar at first. Just thought there’s a lot of blokes here, must be good.

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Why not just steal the horse.

Also whenever my friends and I used to have a drink, we always ended up with what we called “drunk world-problem-solving.” Suddenly the ideas just came to us and we knew how to fix everything. It was fun.

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On the topic of drinking.

Be careful folks, dont over do it, might do something silly like I did. Then youll get in trouble with the law


i don’t like alcohol, but i saw it’s effects on people…
100% agreed there pal.

I thought I had a piece of chalk in my hand, the very funny guy i am thought it’d be great if I draw a PP on someones door.

It was a rock.

They had a camera


die laughing

oh god…

I’m not so sure about this. He seemed nice initially, and it’s since changed.

He has a constant need to bring up other’s stupid mistakes even when they’ve acknowledged and attempted to grow from them, throwing accusations around like it’s nothing, failing to admit his own mistakes and failing to grow from them.

I’m failing to see the “nice guy” I initially saw.

Also I’m not sure if that transphobic statement of his even classifies as an “unpopular” take. Transphobia is transphobia, however perhaps if he showed a willingness to accept another viewpoint and learn from others, then he could be redeemable.


He’s a poser.

  • stromic poster.