'Just ignore it'


sad Wilfred noises


i think it’s ok tbf XD

Hail the king

But what I was actually looking for;


eat, sh!t, die


Obahar is actually… like…

A nice person. I like him.


Everyone does!

Sig also strikes me as a nice guy tbh and I have some sympathy for him and I’d argue the treatment he receives is often a bit too crude… He might have some unpopular takes, but he’s also as baited as others are baited by his posts.

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I felt bad for him at first and gave him numerous attempts to dig himself out of it and gave him the benefit of the doubt until he started to double down on his takes and descend further into Lovecraftian posting. I gave candid and honest explanation for why what he’s saying is dangerous, and gave sources to back it up.

He ignored it and doubled down. So after having done my due diligence, it’s fair game now.


i think a lot of people did but then he started dropping takes on trans people that have no place in society. its very hard to feel anything for someone whose entirely un-appolegetic about it. his constant crying about obahar being racist to him as well is a hallmark of the traveller community when called out for their behaviour, calling people racist to deflect from the issue at hand.

anyway, obahar is a good boy, a good dog


The transphobic misogynistic idiot needs to get off the damn forum please and thank you.

If this is the course of action you want to take, more power to you, I guess

I initially gave him alot of chances and benefit of the doubts, but I think we’re way past it at this point. It’s gone from simply “crude with unpopular opinions” to openly spouting hatred, directly threatening people, using antisemitic remarks and much much more.


i think i missed this part of the sig arc…

Eh, its very easy to do amongst the tirade.

It essentially boils down to two things:

  1. When Valley asked him to chill about the poem and mentioned his own family history related to the holocaust, Sig went on a rant and said it was all a lie and fabricated and Valley and his family were lying.

  2. At one point he started to use all manner of talk that is usually common in antisemitic circles, such as referring to everyone here as “Scurrying rats” that he threatened he would “set the dogs” on if he could.

This also doesn’t factor in everything else he has spouted before and since which I have listed earlier, which includes harted towards women and trans people, regarding women and trans people as inferior or inherently malicious and direct threats of physical violence.

(One poster made a remark that if Sig spouted his views in real life, he would probably get beaten up by people. Sig countered by directly threatening to assault them if they met IRL).


Chucklegrin wasn’t it?

You know, somebody who wasn’t wading in the argument in the first place outside of; “that’s not really kosher bruh”


Yeah, chucklegrin.


Arathi posters really live like this


Yes, that was me. I still stand by what I said tbh. Maybe it was a bit over the top, but yeah.