'Just ignore it'

I’m not naming and I’m not calling it a cabal. All I’m saying is that sadly some folk have a different interpretation of the lore and are more than happy to use the ideas of “just ignore it” as a means to just go unchallenged in their own ideas.

That sorta circles back around to the “negating RP is just ignoring it with extra steps” I mentioned before though.

Sure, they happened…but is engaging with them the solution? How does one square that circle? They’re clearly breaking the lore, so surely you shouldn’t acknowledge them IC, in the same way you don’t acknowledge the person who is RPing as actually Arthas Menethil, the Lich King, in Cathedral Square.

If they don’t know any better, tell them OOC. If they still insist on persisting, is interacting with them on an IC basis going to do anything? They won’t be convinced, you’ll spend an evening bashing your head on a brick wall.


Yeah, and this is something I did not argue against. Those examples aren’t an example of ‘just ignore it’ like mine were, those by nature force you to acknowledge it.

I’m just saying the militant approach to naming and shaming shouldn’t also happen without critique, as the ‘just ignore it’ attitude can absolutely be valid and justified. This attitude, while also valid and justified in those cases however can (and relatively often) bleeds over, though.

As Elenthas put it - you have to ignore the lore-breaking examples, as doing otherwise forces you to break the lore. In the moment, you have to ‘just ignore it’, while afterwards you can write such posts. It’s just the way the OP is worded that paints the situation with a much larger brush than necessary.

Edit: It’s also something I said earlier. If you use a location for the visuals, what also becomes important is how often people happen on it. If you continuously need to say ‘just ignore it’, then perhaps it could be useful for you to find a new, less used location. Otherwise you would be the one inconsiderate, to other RPers and the actual location itself as well.


And that’s the problem, Elly. How do we solve that? Because with the community in question (dear god why am i vagueposting it’s not like i care about forum bans) this kind of attitude is increasingly normalised. And with their prevalence in the Dalaran RP scene - which I’d argue at this point in Shadowlands’s life cycle is one of the three most active hubs alongside Stormwind and Duskwood - it creates a bit of a problem when one third of the most active hubs already subscribes to this very specific ideology where cosmic dragon god RP is normalised.

Do we ignore it? It creates another division and rift in the already splintered and waning RP scene of Argent Dawn. Do we engage with it? It gives legitimacy to these kind of activities.


I’m too tired to lose my hairline today but it really is like we have our own little Moonguard sometimes.


There’s the first issue. Not naming the gross offenders lets it go on freely.

There’s the second issue. Second life RP’ers, alt-universe RP’ers, asinine copy-paste insert RP’ers etc. They destroy RP, simply put. There is a lot of wiggle room in RP for original ideas and takes on concepts to make things interesting. But when you’re trying to make WoW into FF or some Skyrim LARP (Looking at you, Scandiboo Northrend Viking RP’ers), then you are part of the issue.

Too bad. It’s a two-way street. Good luck continuing if the majority call you out at the regular, and educate new RP’ers and those that are not aware of what exactly is going on, and why it is detrimental to RP. Can’t really push the BadRP if you’re two people, alone in Uldum. At that point they’ll sod off to Discord RP or some crap, and everyone wins.

The less of them there are, the less they are able to grow and spread, the sooner the issue is resolved. And equally so, we won’t have another noncery inferno every 2-3 months, which ironically always seem to occur in these same circles. Curious.

I already got sent to forum jail once sooo…

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I won’t defend these groups because they do have pretty horrible RP in my opinion, but to give my opinion on this matter and present a bit of a hypothesis, I think the reason this is the case is because these groups never turn away RPers. Obviously inclusivity in this hobby is a good thing and players should be made to feel involved (although not necessarily welcomed depending on the RP) with the characters that are near them.

However with this particular scene I think this is something of a problem. Being so willing to invite other RPers in isn’t as great in this case because they just let anyone in - including the people playing as child vulpera characters - and because they have such a heavy headcanoned story going on, players who get into RP this way are going to have to unlearn some of the weird/quirky stuff they’ve been taught if they ever venture outside of that bubble, or are going to have very janky characters that simply cannot fit in with other guilds and concepts because it is just too excessive on the front of lorebending.

And just to clarify, it’s NEVER good to allow child characters into a guild IMO, but I don’t believe their intention is to specifically have a child harem or anything of that nature, they just refuse to do the sensible thing most of the rest of us do and decline any interaction with child toons.



Live and let live. If the RP’s safe and not directly ruining other people’s experiences, then why even bother getting angry about it? OP rallying the server in a crusade against RP styles they don’t agree with is only gonna end one way. With more division and more anger. Frankly there are better things to be doing, such as enjoying the RP they and their friends already have.

(also groups ignoring other groups are fine if it’s done with good reason.)


Okay well now that I know this is about the weirdos in Dalaran who also migrated over from their Uldum Nights stuff it helps narrow it down a bit I guess.

There’s really only three options I see.

  1. Ignore it. Abandon Dalaran, as Goldshire was abandoned in the past for similar reasons. Sucks but it is what it is.
  2. Invade the hub (figuratively or perhaps literally). Either set up cool looking RP in Dalaran that actively refuses Siavash’s stuff (to entice people over) or simply work on poaching those freshly induced and guide them to a better place. This is a lot of effort to put in.
  3. Pump up some good, alternative hubs in their place. If people are attracted to Dalaran because it’s a “hub” for some easy RP, need to make alternatives instead.

Options 2+3 would require a lot of effort from a number of people which they’re not being paid to do.
Option 1 is free and effortless, so not terribly surprising some people would default to that in this situation which wasn’t really made clear by the OP’s vagueposting.


We’ve got nothing to lose but our chains or something along those lines.

This is completely fair, friend. Granted, there is a line one can walk (and we ought to) between being inclusive (as we should, lest we want the RP scene to die out when even the most bitter and stubborn “ye olden time” RP’ers decide it’s time to yeet), but also not letting everyone in.

There will always be bad actors. We’ve seen many of them lately, taking advantage of a children’s game and the themes and “openings” that come with RP (Many which could be rooted out as talked about earlier). Which brings us full circle to my earlier points of agitation.

You come across a bad actor, or someone who shows clear intent to take advantage of the “traits” and atmosphere of RP? Name and shame. Call them out. Chase them off. They are not welcome here, as much as they are not welcome in general society.

OP is not talking about that kind of RP. The thread is about RP that is directly ruining other people’s experiences, and killing RP in general.

It very rarely is these days. Ignoring others in RP should be the last, absolutely last option, and only when really called for it. But ignoring others in RP today has become:

“Oh I don’t like being criticized or called out for my :poop: , I’mma just ignore you and everyone you affiliate with by proxy”.

Who knows. We do know that letting it fester sure isn’t the solution.

is OP asking you to just roll with every godemote or whatever? of course not, and I don’t think you honestly believe that either, despite strangely using such things as an example earlier.

What OP is saying however is that just ignoring the continuous degradation of the RP scene and just telling people to ignore all criticism just telling people to not attend just don’t just don’t just do not interact just give up just surrender, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t do anything good.

‘Just ignore it’ is such an easy thing to say. And on a surface level it sounds good, right? It’s just one drop in the bucket. And another, and another, and another, and now the bucket is full and flooding the room.

Sure, sometimes there’s no two ways about it. But sometimes shouldn’t be half the time, two thirds of the time, all the time. We shouldn’t be in a state where entire hubs are written off because the sheer madness of them has gone off the charts. And believe me it has. BfA and modern Orgrimmar can not be compared. I’d rather have the neutral peaceshouters during campaigns back instead of the second life RP spiderweb that neutral RP has degenerated into.


Don’t really want to be this guy but - anyone who pays Blizzard for a subscription to play has all the right to play the game as they wish, provided they aren’t breaking the terms of service.
People leaving isn’t going to make the server better. Sure Argent Dawn is a pretty huge server but its basically how all the other servers died, because people felt there was no point staying in a bad environment.

Mostly agreeing with Tax above but to add some extra pennies into the mix.

Bluntly, save actually breaking the terms of service and harassing a player you can’t force them to do anything. Freezing people out and blacklists never work because the people getting called out here don’t interact with the same slices of the community.
The “bubble” problem is only a problem for those wanting to do more than roleplay. People gravitate towards communities, this is always the case. Trying to force people into or out of a community never works long term.

To be devils advocate here there have been people I have managed to reach through to over the years who have taken on my advice. I’ve even befriended some and been friends with them for over ten years now.
Sure not everyone will take it on board but pointing out something contrary to what a person knows to someone who is inexperienced, who has been led down a bad path by other examples or is simply doubting themselves already is not a wasted effort in my experience.

But you are right, here - preaching to a narrow subsection of the rp community, many of which have honestly not even roleplayed on Argent Dawn for years (you know who you are) achieves nothing. You would have better efforts preaching to trade chat or general chat.

As much as I can sympathise with the immersion arguments for not “just ignoring it” the buck ultimately stops there with the player who is being bothered rather than the supposed offending party.
Someone’s inability to filter out things in their gaming experience should not justify negative actions taken against players who are also trying to enjoy themselves innocently.


This is literally the issue, this is the mantra that’s spun: if you disagree then you’re the :peach:

I could hire a wordsmith to create the greatest piece of spin to explain my sentiments and it’d be shot down with “live and let live”, it is the “tl;dr” of RP debates.

Because it has led to greater bastardisation of the setting in favour of 2nd life RP.


What even is this term I see getting bandied about a lot recently?
Is it a reskin of the “gd rp / bad rp” in group-out group thing?

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Right, I might give my two cents to this.

“Oh don’t do this with this and that person. They are this and that” Are you any better? You literally isolated yourself from the thing you do. I don’t really care if you want to do your “Fantasy roleplay where I am the greatest hero” thing. Quite frankly, I want you to work with you. We aren’t all heroes. Some of us are just simple farmers and such. Just because something upsets you, like not going around YOUR thing, you shouldn’t ignore them. You should either ask them or go with it. It is you decion in the end. If anything, if this person goes about ranting you how THEY didn’t like the event, that is just to something to learn from. It is small salt only.

But, the issue is when people literally LOVE to ignore people. I know, PCU and this and that. So? Tell me, how does their stuff affect you? Are you constantly with them? Are you chatting with them? No? Why are you mad then? Just because you had ONE bad interaction with them, makes them the enemy? It seems like your case with anybody. To me at least. To be honest. You generalize it. If you want to be angry, you should witness it. Just because what others say, are not your words. You just go with word to word.

Anyways, If you really want to ignore people, what you shouldn’t, you should know them before you do. We aren’t perfect. None of us are. But, be open for everything and then make your opinion.

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Been getting used for years. In the simplest terms it refers to ‘roleplayers’ who essentially treat Azeroth as a backdrop for their chatroom, rather than an actual setting to play a character in.

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This has literally been the case for Goldshire since before I started on AD in Cata so like, I get that it sucks it’s happening to Dalaran, but please don’t pretend this has never happened before.

“Ignore it” doesn’t work? Okay, cool. What’s the alternative? I provided two, once I was made aware of what this thread is supposedly actually about.

You were dunking on the concept of hubs as essentially doomed to failure in another thread very recently, so I can only assume you’re not in favour of the third suggestion I made, so I’m guessing it’s 2 or bust for you.

I wish you the best of luck with it, sincerely.

I mean they did argue back against my examples so ignoring the Timmy Spellsalot godemote example they were saying that you shouldn’t ignore stuff that goes against your RP vibe, even if you’re both lore-adherent. You can’t say that they were just talking about the Dalaran people given that, clearly they do think that I people should engage with all RP that comes their way, no matter what it is.


Yeah but… a pandaren that becomes a dragon that becomes a vulpera that becomes a god.

The mind can only open so far before it starts detatching from the spine.


I’ll reiterate what I said in the , I think it was the “Not all RP is valid” thread but… ignore is something that should ideally be a last resort when all other options have failed. Yet sometims it is unavoidable, as I myself have found out a while ago. Sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, while I often agree with what’s being said in threads like these, we do often end up preaching to the choir… the ones it’s about tend to avoid this place.