Just ignore this post thanks

can you delete my post please all of the thread

This reminds me of this running joke “how you know someone likes classic?” - do not worry they tell you it in 1st 5 minutes.

This joke is based on a real life jest about - we all know what. If someone feels they get constantkly targeted, then it is time to start thinking - if and perhaps fault is not that ‘they are bad’, but maybe own behaviour makes others like this.

Otherwise :


(Please note that I dont have anything against you personaly or the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. My post is only based on the thread linked in the comments, which I feel had a good core point but was made poorly.)

Sorry, but from the other post, there are only 2 ways to see you without any more info:

a) you are a troll who tries to use LGBT people to start a flame war


b) You are someone whos whole personality is their sexual identity and you are looking for attention.

If you really are just looking for other players who share your orientation, maybe work on your wording, dont start the post with basically “IM A WOMAN AND IM GAY, LOOK AT ME!” it makes your thread look kinda fishy.

Trust me, just the wording and the build of a post can make the world of a difference.

Right now, the very first part after "I posted this hear now is more about “I am gay and men suck i am a victim” than anything else.
To my understanding you wanted to make a community for LGBTQ+ people. Thats nice. But maybe start of with that.
Starting your post this agressive is bound to attract agression back.

“you can fence yourself in, but you can’t fence the world out”

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This is legit sad.

Believe me, ageism exists.


Sadly I don’t have the power. I’m an MVP, I’m not a member of staff, they post in blue :slight_smile:

You might be able to edit the title and text out to say something like Just ignore now thank you.

Look more to me like you didn’t get the “respect” you think you deserve and are now going on a rampage, but maybe I missed something.

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ok, i have to ask… what is ageism exactly? Sorry, first time i ever heard that word…



prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age.
“ageism in recruitment is an increasing problem”

OP has a legit point. Same scenario for me, people love to discriminate and fling insults around on these subjects. Faced it several times in-game.

So when people don’t want to get insulted for being who they are, their whole personality is their sexual identity?

It wasn’t posted like this.

Yes… in workplace is a big big problem. recreuiters tend to hire youngsters and exclude aged ppl. For many reasons (wage first)

But how would I know that in-game about you to insult you in specific because of reason X. I mean you look like “generic undead” to me… so what is the whole story really ?

15 years in this game and I promise you no one has ever insulted me for my IRL stuff. Because they know none of it.

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Are you talking about the LGBT community thread? :smile_cat:

It’s more of a form of discrimination relating to things like employment it’s one of it’s forms.

For example 2 people apply for a job advertised in the local paper.

Candidate A is fresh out of school and has just got enough qualifications.

Candidate B is 55 and has worked in that field all their life.

Candidate A is given the job because he or she is younger and employer just doesn’t want to deal with the 55 year old who employer thinks will give them trouble in some way such as being more world wise than the 16 year old.

But it can also work both ways

Depends what kind of work. Other areas will prioritize people with experience who always tend the be older.

Example - I was at the 10th anniversary celebration in London and pics were put up on the WoW FB page. There were some really unpleasant and hurtful comments about why someone my age is playing WoW … happily they were deleted as were comments about others too.
The celebration was wonderful and everyone was completely accepting but once it got to the internet …


There are certain type of players that consider it fun to throw certain insults around. They don’t know my gender, they don’t know my sexual preferences, yet they throw it around as if it’s a funny joke or make statements that are not acceptable.

Ive deleted 90% of my contacts on fb and instagram because ppl often on the net become d@ck.

Ah, understand… well, mostly.

Wouldnt it be more likely that in your example the fresh out of college worker will most likely cost like half of what the employer had to pay the 55 year old?

And if the job can be done by someone with no work experience, who will work for (numbers are pure fiction here) 2000 bucks a month, why should I hire someone who will most likely cost me 3500-4000 a month because of his qualifications for the same job, regardless of age?