Just moved to Horde

I have just faction changed my Hunter to Horde. I am looking for a guild that would allow a Jungle Troll to join their ranks. Obviously Troll rp is new to me but I have RP for about 6 years now.

If anyone could give me an idea of a good patient and helpful guild i would like to hear from you.

I am open to any ideas Loyalist, Merc or Military etc…

I look forward to your responses and hopefully will be joining one of the many guilds out there.

Hey there, for Troll RP I recommend checking out [Troll RP] [Discord] Terrace of Tribes
Youll find all the info youll ever need there.
Good luck with your search!


Thank you.

You got your troll (jamaican) accent down? :smiley:

Tongues :slight_smile:

Aw that’s lazy. :smiley:

You oughta check out The Darkspear Warband, might be something of intrest. They’re Military and Loyal to the current Horde with a great Troll atmosphere. :+1:

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