Just nerf deep wounds to the ground

Having a passive rng 13-talentpoint abbility being on of the main dmgsources

Looking at logs and seeing deepwoundstick for ~6k while a full ragebar execute crit is ~5k or a mortalstrike crit is ~800:

Getting a 31p talent should be huge… but now its not even worh going for BT as fury. Since you miss out on deep wounds.

Zero value to how you play and the feeling of playing a warrior
Zero value outside of raids/logs/dmg-meters
Zero value in PVP
Give a missrepresentation of the current state of warrior. (due to logs)

Nerf it hard and bury it. And make the 31p talents good.

f.e random atal log


agree. Put more dmg on MS/BT, Overpower and slam, so warriors would do probably do the same dps in raids and perform better in pvp

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Just don’t clear raids if unhappy, rest of us use the warrior as bank chars because we are unhappy about state of PvP. The logs prove nothing since they represent a minority of game’s and warrior’s player population, even if half of the warriors would raid, most likely less than 1/4 would care about logs and even less about a transition raid in a transition phase.

I didn’t check multiple pages on the logs website, but please let me know how many pages of 100 players you can see with warriors over preforming and how does that represent the majority of the warriors and not the minority.

Last time I’ve checked there were barely 500 warriors total dealing above 1k dps, and now that many people are gearing up and catching up-gear wise, that 1k-1.5k dps not impressive at all.

And you expect that the entire class to be changed and affected over the top 100-200 warriors doing slightly better on logs that no one cares about and regarding a transition raid that many have not even step foot in.

Dont know how i could be this misinterpreted.
Deep wounds debuff is rng and boring and have no use outside of a raidencounter. I would rather see that some of its power would be transfered into active skills like BT or MS or w/e.

Regards Happy player that dont seek a classoverhaul

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Deep wounds is a big part of PvP spec, be it RNG or not it should not be changed based on the logs of top 100 players of a minority of players that clear the raid in PvE.

If anything, it should be buffed on top of BT, MS and overpower.

At best you should have other options for raiding so that you would not need to go into the pvp spec, but the pvp spec should not be affected because few people use it in raids.

Hope it makes sense.

Warriors were PVP-ing just fine without this broken version of Deep Wounds back on Era. It has almost no impact on PVP, let it go. It’s ridicilous that at level 50 our best Fury spec does not include a capstone talent.

That is an issue with PvE spec, fury.

If we get some fictional numbers and say SoD got 1 million active players, out of which 10.000 warrior players dabble in casual ST raiding (didn’t check how many warriors got logs in ST for 1 clear and how many got multiple clears), how many warriors in this scenario do you believe would play for real, to get better logs and min-max ? 1000 ? less ?

You are asking for change that impacts a weak class on all specs to be nerfed just so that it catters what ? 1000 players ? less ?

In classic era it was used the same way, I remember working my fury/prot spec around deep wounds at lvl 60.

In Classic Era, deep wounds was taken because it was mandatory for the Impale talent. Deep Wounds was basically useless in PVE.

Not only were some bosses immune to bleeds, but there’s a debuff limit. Any new dot would just make your deep wounds fall off as it was a low priority debuff.

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Who cares about deep wounds. Uncap Thunderclap so i can tank trash properly and not play catch the ball like a dog


While I am not against moving more damage to active skills like MS, Slam or BT, this is completely and utterly false. Some 1v1 matchups (kite classes) in original classic come down entirely to Deep Wounds uptime, the same is likely to happen in SoD once weapon DPS starts ramping depending on the itemization changes that will come.

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look at this guy. defending 6k dmg ticks as if that’s not broken as shaite haha

Coming from you this is rich haha

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Compensation for not getting any love like other classes did the entirety of SOD. No cool runes, no cool new abilities, no buffs, no new playstyles, just a casual ERA warrior, meanwhile others got a whole new game to play xD. It sucks to see how offended other classes are at warrior raid damage when we legit suck at everything else in the game in comparison. But hey at this point nerf that 1 hour of fun I get once a week so that animals can be happy :slight_smile:

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6k damage for Deep Wounds in raids (which I don’t care to clear) doesn’t help me grinding level 54-60 mobs that you can farm on your shaman, I can’t kill one while you can tag 2-3 at a time. Shamans need nerf.

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CoMiNg FrOm yOu thAtS RiCh

let me guess, because i play a shaman i am not allowed to point out broken things?


there is no excuse for defending a bleed effect ticking for 6k.
end of.

It doesn’t tick for 6k.

And if it does, please tell me how. Mine has ticked for 400 at the most.

I’ll happily trade that 400 tick for some damage elsewhere.

just to clarify; i am just taking this guy’s word for it.
surely nobody would just go onto the internet and lie right?

ngl i didn’t factcheck anything here, but if true there is no defense for it.

if false, then well, we can all go on our way and ignore this… liar.

boy who cried wolf yadda yadda yadda, the problem will work itself out as long as blizzard know who the bad faith actors are when looking to the forum for feedback.

the problem with this, is that some of them manage to slip through the net and then we end up with trash like incursions and this dmg reduction aura.

My highest deep wounds tick was for ~2100 yesterday. The other week i had a ~3500
I dont understand how it works… or i think i do, but i also think im wrong :smiley:

Open your logg
Analyze->dmg done->your char->events->deep wound

Zero value in “current” pvp… about 1% of the matchups last long enough for a full cycle of deep wound ticks.

Guess its a matter of preference, and what you seek when picking class… i rather see a big MS number, then having some dot lingering in the background. But i understand what you saying!

stronger MS, slam, BT and weaker Deep Wounds for it - same/more pleasant dmg for PVE and much better for PVP

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