Just NERF Torghast already, please

What kind of alternative do you have in mind ?

Soloable WQ extrawaganza probably, cause he expects some wierd people to kick him out of normal dungeons

Hold up, hold up I forgot to ask something

OP, was this your first attempt at layer 3?

Same as it was possible to upgrade the cloak, via 3 ways: vissions, kill last boss, buy the item with echoing void got from farming dungeons.

Could be many things, but for example:

A bit of soul ash earnable with a weekly quest that requires you to do certain activities (not torghast obviously).

A bit of soul ash has a % chance to drop from a ‘calling’ reward chest (with a hidden limit so you couldn’t earn more above a certain number).

Stuff like that.

Sounds like a good compromise to me but visions are kind of torghast just in a different design

And I bought the upgrade cloak item after running 15s :slight_smile: in last 8 upgrades or so I haven’t done any vision :slight_smile:

so you want to farm legendary items by opening chests? :joy_cat: come on

if you hate torghast you can farm soul ash by doing follower missions. it will take you 7 years but you’ll get it eventually

If they come from dungeons , raids and torghast i’m totally ok with the idea personally. However anything outside of those sources shouldnt happen

Like I said; it wouldn’t be the optimal way. The dropchance % could be fairly low and/or it could be limited to be like half of what you could earn in Torghast in a week (or some other number), so it would take longer. But it could still be a viable way.

Then they would have to reduce amount we get from torghast by a lot and redistribute it among other activities. Otherwise people would run with rank 4 legos in 2 weeks.

Why not? How does that negatively impact YOU?

Ps; you never did answer my questions, you just countered with a question, which I DID answer.

Yes please, we all want to know that, you filthy legendary elitists :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

-static noise-

The answer is very simple; just have a hard cap on the amount of ash you can earn in a week.

Of course double dipping shouldn’t be possible.

huh? I soloed all of it and it was really easy

Killing it in party is actually a lot harder since it scales to hell.

Kinda bored as hunter… this is a MMORPG if I wanted to play Darksouls MAW I would, If I wanted to play a rogue like I’d be playing rogue legacy…

I can see this content being hard/impossible for some classes, point being they don’t belong in a MMO lol. Seems Blizzard went from taking other ppl idea and making them better to just yeah that works in that game port it in!!

“mimimi I cant do something because I am bad please nerf it”

git gud