Just NERF Torghast already, please

I find it personally a lot of fun , opinions /shrug

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At this pace with threads like that this is where we’re going lol

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You’re trolling. Bye.

We’re not going anywhere bud. Torghast is fairly easy if you have basic knowledge about your class. I had awful rng while doing 3rd layer and I still managed to kill everything without dying.
People just want “legendary” items for free and I’m glad blizz made torghast cause like I said it only requires basic knowledge about your class. At least community might improve skill wise in SL

Torghast is perfect the way it is.

Torghast should be a Mage Tower meets The binding of isaac

Not horrific visions meets island expeditions

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I’m on your side buddy I was being sarcastic because people want legendaries yet they dont do any content they would need them for and also want them from every source

Of course it’s an opinion.
But if it’s not fun for other people, then THAT is what matters.

To me ‘fun’ trumps everything in a game.
It’s why we play games.

Now, I’m not suggesting to have legendaries everywhere, but at least have a viable alternative to running Torghast, because that activity is a very specific and aquired taste.

While I was running layer 1 and 2 I pretty much rushed it cause it was super easy. Layer 3 had a lot of big hard hitting mobs so I cleared entire 1st and 2nd floor to get as many anima powers as possible and vendor always sells useful powers like 40% more absorb on your barrier. At one point my barrier was doubling my ehp. If I had to bet why people fail torghast (at least as mage) is they start panicking

Legendaries are useful for raiding and dungeons , if you dont do that content you dont even need it in the first place ? They cant make content fun for everyone because some people just have bad taste or dont want to do things they dont want to do. You shouldnt be getting legendaries outside of dungeons , torghast and raids because that’s what they exist for

So shouldn’t the legendary drop in said dungeons and raids?

Well, since I’m not the best player, finding it difficult myself but will keep at it, try and learn as once again levelling still doesn’t do that. So not surprised some try endgame content and hit a brick wall.

And how it’s taught can be problematic as well. I can look at all the videos and guides ever, but with difficulty in learning that way, I learn better hands on really.

But it’s early and so what if I can’t keep up, going to keep on adjusting things until I can get past level 2 on both sides of the tower. Going to have to change some bits here and there in talents and whatnot I think.

It’s self learning though, not in a guild or anything right now so it’s pretty much miss than hit at this time in progression.

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To me they should be dropping in dungeons and raids yes. But torghast isnt too bad of an option and is extremely easy content and can also be done as a group

And for basically ANYTHING that requires fighting.
Don’t be too shortsighted.

Well, I’d miss out on something fun. Something fun that Blizzard means to be for everyone. Not just ‘high end players’.

So strictly speaking, no it’s not ‘needed’ to do most content, but just wait… Even normal dungeons are going to see groups who kick people for ‘not having a legendary lolnub’.

yes you need legendary items to run WQs. cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt

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LFR is not high end but is also part of raiding no matter how easy it is and I can see why legendaries would be useful in that scenario , however for world quests or simply world content it’s not necessary

But still useful. And most importantly; FUN.

I understand that but it’s not mandatory , if a person hates torghast so much that they cant accept the idea they have to run it , they can simply avoid it

I am simply not into it. I would like to have an alternative way to get the currency from dungeons and raids.

I don’t want them to nerf it. It’s a learning curve, what spells to interput, dmg checks, ect. I love it.

No. That’s taking away fun from people.
That’s not okay.

Look, let’s approach this another way:

Why are you opposing this?
Would it negatively impact YOU if there was an alternative method (realistically much less optimal than Torghast - but still a viable way) to earn legendaries?