Just resubbed how is mw?

Hello, I stopped playing in december and I just resubbed, I wanted to know how is MW monk in 2s right now? and in RBGs? (i’m not interested in 3s)
Also what is the best partner? I reached 2k before stopping and I would like to try reaching at least 2.1 now. I’m also looking for someone to play with because my guild is dead and my friend list is almost dead too, my btag is Rohan#2270 I only play 2s but I haven’t played in months so I’m rusty and need a bit of practice.

MW is average now. Not too strong but not too bad either.

The best comps would be with DK,WW,DH and maybe destro

Doesn’t seem average if you watched awc spring cup monks did very well TBF on par with druids as the two top tier healers in arena…

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Isn’t all the new fancy items banned in cups? That could affect what is viable to a certain extent.

i stopped reading at “just resubbed”

its meh in 2s and nobody plays rbg anymore so dont bother with that

So one person said it’s average, one said it’s top and one said it’s meh… I guess I will have to just play and see

what’s wrong?

Most pvpers who have played BFA will say the direct opposite:

“I unsubbed”

The game is in the worst state atm from a pvp perspective. Play it and youll see.

worst peace of crap of a game we never even imagined it could become…yes …its that bad at the moment

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