Just saw a fire mage doing 160k overall

This made me lol.

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They didn’t say DPS, they said overall. Which is trash.

yes end of dungeon total dmg i mean
when i burst i can go to 150k+ but i cannot keep that all the time of course.

I have to rely on my tentacle procs to do heavy dmg apparently

in my +12 runs i didn’t see any dd that was above 70k end of run, so I figured I was fine :expressionless:

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i can do 200k Eviscerate is that a problem?

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My fire mage also does upward of 200k through a single run.

… on island expeditions, with all the consumables and relevant shrine buffs, when the tank rounds up the entire island. :frowning: wtb mad skillz

3 dps with 70k average is more than fine for 12s, you can easily time 15s with that.
I often like keys in the 10-13 range, its hard to do damage as shadowpriest when everything falls over because you play with a mage and a dh xD

I almost won a firemage on my UH dk on HC raid. Half raid congratulated me for the feat of RNG of my azerite procs. I did screenshot it, yes.

Like, we both talk about overal dps, thats what topic is about?

Oh okay. OP never mentioned DPS, he said overall damage specifically. It is misleading terminology.

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