Just saw a fire mage doing 160k overall

Was on a twitch streamers stream ‘berrua’. This fire mage did almost 160k overall, 157k to be exact. in freehold 23.

This is how the game is going to be for the next 6 months or however long till shadowlands releases, possibly longer, because blizzard always takes a year long holiday on the final raid tier. They’re trying to make wow a competitive esports but have no idea how to balance

Thanks ion


Let me guess: It was AoE dmg? :smiley:

yea of course
but fire mages can do 100k-200k on single target anyways

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Sooo, a top tier player did like 50% more dps than what i consider average, in a well organised group where everybody played for him ( cuz thats what you do with fire, u play for his big combust). And he probably was runing like 80+ coruption, if his healer and group is fine with then be it.

But i realy dont see problem here? Care to explain?


the top dps was not a DH, it’s a outrage.


Och, i see, better nerf mages then i guess, or even beter, buff DHs…

But for real, whats problem here? Apart from fact OP cant probably do as much and is concerned? (not like 90% of playerbase can but still…)

I have a few spare pitchforks and torches, time to burn these heretic mages on a pyre for trying to challenge havoc as most broken spec in the game


Devs logic is very strange. They won’t give us another talent row cause it will be hard to balance but instead they float us with rng procs from azerite/essences/corruption/cloak/trinkets which are impossible to balance and make the game less fun. I very rarely read and comment on official forums but today I got so frustrated about the game that I had to show my disrespect to Blizzard.


I’ve been deleted by a fire mage with 412k health with 3 taps. Anyone thinks that’s not broke , I don’t know what to tell you.


Fighting fire mage in pvp feels like I’m back in vanilla when one-shot was a thing.


the problem is:
if not all classes/specs can pull this numbers, then the game is just terrible unbalanced.
fire, dh, bm are absolutely freaking broken in m+
and so are tanks with TD3

tanks pulling 60k dps while 50%+ dmg comes from 1 item is beyond stupid. I mean m20 was cleared by 5 tanks, what a joke this game has become


That sounds amazing :rofl: video out there of it?

yea there is a video.
I think you can check youtube for AD 20 with 5 tanks or something. Currently I cannot check YT

I play with td 3, i can pull 60k overal as tank (esp this week) yet it is never 50%, rarely like 30…

Well, just because group of skilled guys did it doesnt mean this will have any impact on game, in legion there was dude that soloed high keys (overtime ofc but hey, he soloed ot) , ive seen. People doing +15 keys om bursting without healer etc… Thats just 0.001% of playerbase doing those crazy stuff realy

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yes there was a dude you did that with highest gear but it took him forever so I don’t care.
5 tanks should never be able to do it in time.

It doesn’t take that much skill if your items do half your work. Sure it is not the easiest thing to do, but I guess it would be very easy on +10, so we could just do that instead. Pretty sure it is not really harder than doing a +20 with a normal group setup

depending on the tank. Druid has ofc lots of other dmg source. A blood dk don’t so they do a lot more dmg just coming from TD.
This is also after the nerf, I wonder how high it was actually before the nerf.

If anyone doesn’t think TD is broken on tanks, then I don’t know.

Tbh i see verry little difference with nerf, it affects you only with big pulls

it affects you as soon as you pull more than 1 grp, which is very often the case if you want to make the timer above +12 dungeons I think.
On the other hand with bigger pull the general dmg also goes up, but the 5 targets still get hit by 100% dmg so it is still better to pull bigger.

on my enhance I am not more or less out of options how to get higher dps. I m usually stuck around 60-65k on 460 ilvl and now a tank can pull that already, that is awesome.
As I am usually in the same range as all the other dps in my group, I would consider the dps average. Now when a tank blows all dps out of the water, something is wrong.
either we (dps) are just bad or something is broken.
People say, nice more dmg, faster clear. Yes and No. I had now many tanks who got so cocky and start flaming the dps for not doing dmg because he just comes very close to our dps. Now even items make people toxic :joy:

Well, in my groups, and i pug most of times, my dps is usualy 80k and higher, while my average is about 50k as tank, i dont realy see problem here 30k difference, on average, thats fine.
To toxic tanks, well, it goes both way, i have to agree a bit with them, because if u have one dungeon class X without coruption doing 80k overal and u got different player on same class/ilvl/coruption in next run doing like 45k overal, something is bad… I usualy dont tell people, but it always makes me sad when i finish run and we miss timer by like 1-2 min, and then i look on overal and i see that one of dmgers did like 5k more dps than me, while other two did like 25-30k more…


I mean with the pilar system in dungeons, it is balanced to have high dps like this to even time it. I don’t see anything wrong , I managed to do 65+k dps on my fury with medium gear and low corruption procs in freehold and it was +15 key, barely on time also.