Just tried out FF14 for a couple days...I don't even care about fresh tbc anymore

I’ve not played Final Fantasy, but I’ve been thinking about going back to ESO.

Best solo questing experience by far, fully voice acted.

[Burning Crusade Classic Discussion]

Lol, sounds like an awful “MMO” why not just be honest and call it an RPG

Detest Final Fantasy games all of them never could get into them and also they drag the whole thing out dialogue wise also hate turn-based fights as well real mind-numbing stuff that puts me to sleep.

Because it’s an MMO but I play it solo, dumbass.

I remember playing FF14 in Beta around 2013 and I didn’t like it but it took me 8 years to try again and realize how much they improved and how good of an experience FF is now.
Also, it’s such a pleasant difference to have devs who acknowledge their players.

FFXIV is good and all - for a while. It has awful grinds especially in the DoH and DoL classes and the economy is a bit screwed. It’s painfully not alt friendly as the devs assume you only want or need to play one character - after all you can play all jobs on that.

The biggest drawback for me in FFXIV is the forced dungeon/trial content as part of the main story. Some people just do not want to do dungeons and trials and to be forced into them is not fun.

Gatherers (DoL) aren’t limited by crystals while DoH are if they level multiple jobs - you have to throw few hundred thousands of gil on the AH. Complexity is higher than WoW but also there is way much to those professions… and they are optional.

You do professions in this game if you a) really want to, b) want to be progression gear crafter or c) housing items crafter. Plus fishing if you like those oceanic trips.

And it’s not “farm 1000 leather, craft 500 pants, vendor” type of crafting. Usually you want high quality item which requires a specific rotation to craft (it’s surprising how a gatherer or a crafter can have an actual skill rotation).

It never was designed to be for alts. The only reason for multiple characters is storage and bard performances anyway :wink: You should not play FF as if it was WoW.

It’s rather related to your actions in the story. Giving you a simple quest would feel way low vs impact it has. Plus anything you have for MSQ is relatively easy - LFR to Normal. Hard ARR primals bit more but still nothing “that hard”. Anything harder is excluded from MSQ and roulette so IMHO it’s a healthy balance.

WoW rarely requires a M0 dungeon run. Usually during leveling you will have a quest for normal mode but that’s more brain dead that FF14 fates… while on the other hand doesn’t really offer anything beside it. If you like world quests and no forced multiplayer content and zero competitive actions then Skyrim would be better - do what you want, more advanced professions and so on :wink: In WoW there is very little flexibility in this category.

Youre wrong.

FF14 was recommended to me via a friend and didn’t think much of it but he insisted I try again and stick it out as it gets much better. so far it’s been great fun, the open world feels compact with always something to do. the golden saucer (basically a better darkmoon faire) has been a great way to just chill out and talk to people. the community has been awesome as well, very welcoming and if you need help there always people that will be more than happy to stop what their doing to give you some tip and tricks to help you on your journey. i still have a lot of the story to do but i hear once you get into heavens ward it becomes somewhat of a masterpiece. they have a free trial of everything up to and including heavens ward atm, even if you play it as a in-between game it something I would recommend and if you dislike it you can always say you tried and uninstall.

P.S i tried the game on launch and really didn’t like it but they have overhaled the start since then to make it more interesting


The game is my favorite to play. Played it since 2.0 launch.

I just don’t play it like i play WoW. I think this is the biggest problem for some WoW players trying it out.

It has a lot of different enjoyable content.

The game is more like an RPG with MMO gameplay as a significant part of it is played solo. This is just my opinion though.

My biggest gripe is that the tutorial phase of thr game goes on a bit too long and classes don’t start to feel like thry become whole for too long. I imagine this is a problem for new players.

But for all the base game gets negative comments, it’s story is good and sets up later expansions really well.

And for anyone complaining about the cash shop, the boosts are the worst part of it and they can actually detract from your enjoyment of the game as you can end up skipping something super relevant to the story or just a really great part of it. But it’s aimed at players who want to get into end game faster or want to join their friends who already play faster.

My opinion on boosts from the wow catch up is it’s simply to skip the monotony of leveling.

The biggest issue in the wow cash shop is by far the wow token (which FF does not have). This allows you to pay for things in game you might not be able to do at that stage like paying for boosts or AH gear.

I am quite happy to play FF knowing a significant amount of the money from the cash shop is invested back into the game. With wow I can’t say I’m convinced it is being invested into the game and mostly lines the pockets of shareholders.

It does make my amused that a lot of negative comments about the game are generalised by players who haven’t really gotten far into the game or from people who clearly haven’t played the game. The game isn’t going to be for everyone, but making assumptions without trying it is pretty poor.

The game was also already great before well known streamers started to play it. It is just now being recognised for it by a much larger audience.

I was never really interested in watching streamers before but I have caught some recently where its clear the streamers is enjoying the content and so is their audience.

Hoping that people now see the game for what it really is, rather than preconceived notions.

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You don’t seem to be alone. Limit Max from Limit and Naowh from Echo is also trying the highend Raid content in FFXIV.

It also looks like Icy Veins is also “looking” into other MMOs:


As for why it took you so long. It’s because you were loyal to WoW and did not just want to walk away. No one here does, they have invested loads of time, effort and money into WoW and it would be like walking away from an old friend.


2 weeks later update, game is slow AF with in my opinion one of the worst stories I’ve ever experienced in a game. I Forced myself to finish ARR after being told it ‘‘Gets really good in HW’’…Spoiler, it didn’t.

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wow has pandas and furries sister

It’s surprisingly fun, I tried it out years ago but couldn’t get into it back then, but started out 3 months ago and the story is enjoyable and it’s a fun little game to pass the time with.

But I’m not playing it die-hard though, just juggling my time between several games.

Lalafell > Everything else

Cool game, you can play as a potato and live out your wildest fantasies such as shooting yourself in the head with a gun. :+1: Plus one of the boss themes is about big fat tacos.

you cume to wow forums and talk about weeb fantasty,wrong place.

Tried it and even tho I love all FF games, FF14 is beyond horrible. People trashtalk WoW for the alt experience, I never experienced any worse alt system than in FF14.
Combat is insanely slow. Yes, you do have more buttons to press but it’s not making it more fun or engaging. The UI is beyond bad, addons are not allowed, ATC is against the TOS and nowhere close to any WoW addon anyway.
If THIS is the reworked version, I can’t even imagine how people suffered before… lul…

I played FF14 a number of years and it’s confirmed a few stand-out things I felt about 14.

DPS jobs feel like there’s something missing, I don’t know if it’s the 2.5 GCD or the sounds - it doesn’t feel like they hit with any impact - there’s plenty of flashy effects, but all the jobs feel kinda meh to play (apart from maybe BLM which is slightly more interesting in its game play). Also some jobs have way more buttons than others as part of their rotation and just simply following a set button press over and over doesn’t feel very interesting.

Healers are just one button DPS spam (with the occasional DOT to maintain) and then in certain scripted moments you have to heal, which involves pressing a couple of OGCD buttons to heal the group up. I think you only really use your full healing kit on the last savage fight of a tier and Ultimate and in all other content you barely have to heal and then have to suffer the extremely boring DPS rotation.

Tanks imo have been homogenised so don’t really feel different from each other - they all have an invuln, a few CDs and maintain a simple DPS rotation with some kind of DPS burst window. During fights they’re mainly spamming their DPS rotation, popping some CDs and hitting an invuln for a tank buster, again at scripted moments. Tanks rarely use stuns or CC. I never found myself saying “I want to play this tank because it has this cool feature over the others”.

are you still playing it ?
just wanted to know if these things are still in the game or if they were changed. mmos change stuff all the time.

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