Just want to play as a monk. I'm in pain

There is also a hunter at the same item level. But there is a gap between the dps they make. If DH comes to the party, the guys double my damage. I can rarely dps.

That’s cruelz.

I have an alt hunter (surv), I run 16 m+ right now. I’m top1 overall dps 90% of the runs (all enchanted, flasks, I press buttons etc.). I only compete with DHs and WWs. And when I say I compete with WWs I mean WWs that are 15ilvl lower then I am. No chance I can over dps WW with my gear level. You might be doing smth wrong.
This is the most recent run, Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond’s Rise:

https:// imgur. com/a/FTnm9Lr

My ilvl 483 i m not doing anything wrong that class not performing well. I have 471 hunter too but can double my dps overall at same dungeon. Please dont compare monks with DH or Hunters. I have a great burst but only i have that. My friend’s 470 hunter can outdps on any fight. And i pass 480+ geared monks with my hunter too.

Or tell me why no monk ww at your dungeons runs? They are not op?

When I compared to hunter, I mentioned that I play surv, it’s literally one of the least popular specs in the game (it’s played 17 times less than BM, and 5 time less than WW), and it’s melee. So I don’t see why I can’t compare them. I bet your 471 hunter is BM.
As far as I see from my recent run, WW has superior aoe damage. Send a screenshot of Details of your abilities in your recent run M+ run?

Also, your logs in Herioc are ~35% and they are ~12% for your ilvl. Sorry to say, but you are definitely doing something wrong with your class. And the sooner you admit it and start finding out what exactly you’re doing wrong, the sooner you start showing good numbers and enjoying your spec.

Honestly i think u are doing something wrong even more people do something wrong because hear me out, i always hear destro locks, survival hunters, affli locks, ww monks, complain about demon hunter, bm hunters, that their damage is 50% more in dungeons. While i also see very good destruction locks, survival hunter, shamans, that clearly follow bm hunters and havoc dh.

Pretty sure it’s a l2p issue, but upload some dps logs from your keys and we might be able to see what goes wrong for you, because at the key levels you’re doing, WW has no problems.

if someone does 50% more dmg than you, then it is definitely a you problem.
if an equal geared and skilled BM/DH will outdps you by 20% then that could be normal due to balance issues.

BM hunter is also not very reliant on pull patterns while others classes are benefiting a lot more from organized play (fire mage, udk etc.)

an easier work around to push your dps is if you just play the touch of death build instead of bdb, in higher keys you certainly would do more dmg with bdb but it required bigger pulls

so guys i posted this pre buffs. After buff i m still learning. I did myht raid too still pushing slowly. Makin some alts when i m bored. But yea monks much better after buffs.

I’ve read a lot in here and I’m astonished by how the “skill issue” folks are not able to grasp the problem.

70% players are into key levels around 1-20.
Check logs for that and you will notice not a single class can compete with BM hunter or DH.

That’s the main design flaw atm. Blizzard won’t balance key levels which are run by majority

So classes should be balanced at key levels where people play without any tactics at all? Ww has capped aoe. But other than that ww is in a very good place now.

Indeed it is, i top DH and BM frequently WW is a blast and one of the stronger Melee rn


Heres an example where ww competes with bm with similar key level parse


And another one


And another one…

TLDR, if people complain about a 30% difference, it is a l2p issue

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