Just Want to Say I Had Fun, And Thanks Blizzard

I know MoP Remix has some issues but I just want to to bring some positivity here because I really had a lot of fun.

I only did solo content on a mage, and I had a great time reliving my favourite expansion with the Remix twist on gear.

I’m very happy with the cosmetics you can purchase. I finally completed LFR gear sets that refused to drop for me back in original MoP. For years I was disappointed that I got shafted by bad rng that prevented me from getting some of my favourite pieces in the game. So thank you for adding the LFR gear to the vendors.

The new backpacks are great, I especially love the one with the hen and eggs.

I’m really looking forward to the next Remixed expansion. Hopefully we won’t have to wait until the end of the next expansion for it. That would be a long time!

Also it was nice to quest in Pandaria and see other players around, which isn’t the case through the normal leveling experience.


Leveling up was probably the most fun I had in wow for years.

This mythic season felt too grindy for me because of the way higher ilevel, so was fun to feel OP here.

Except now this even more a grind for people not frogging

I am signing to this message as well.
I was very bitter with WoW and sceptic. The first time I tried remix on ptr and even first 3 days live I was not getting it.
But as I continue playing I am having the most fun in WoW I had since BfA corruption power.
Unpopular opinion, but I think they are doing great job with hotfixes. Spools are welcome addition. I do not feel obligated playing all the time to grind and I know I will be able to get all collectibles I have my eyes on within first month.
I really enjoy this more than I would playing just MoP classic.

Overall I have enjoyed levelling through it and getting rewarded for doing Loremaster. The scaling issues were not as bad in open world but there are some and at times it made me cross with the bugs but I knew they’d be fixed eventually.

I’ve rather had enough now, though. I did some dungeons and raids but they aren’t really that interesting for me and if I want more cosmetics, I’d just level another toon, which is definitely very fast with the cloak enhancements!

Very much this, I realise each time there is a new classic out that I don’t really miss how it was. I sincerely hope we get Legion next.

Even if you do your daily dungeon scenarios raid lfg you get even less than before with these spools since they nerfed drops in instanced content so you get less just disguised as a carrot at the end.

The biggest problem with those sets was that some of their parts were coming from world bosses. Even with the new upcoming system in which you’ll be able to learn any armor type transmog you find, it still could have been a complete shtshw if you never buy them.

Also kinda disappointing that there’s no discount for owning 99% of the collection you buy.

Somehow they brought back a feeling similar to when I first played in TBC.

So far I am enjoying myself.

Before the event started I thought “oh no, they’re going to do a WoD remix”

Now it’s oh hell yeah bring on more