Just wow... How clueles they are

  • Demon Hunter
    • Developers’ notes: Havoc’s sustained damage outside of cooldowns has been notably low, so a few related skills are getting damage increases.
    • Havoc
      • Immolation Aura damage increased by 20%
      • Demon’s Bite damage increased by 18%
      • Demon Blades damage increased by 18%
      • Felblade damage increased by 20%

This gotta joka right? How clueles they are with this class omg lol! This was final nail to coffin time to retire my main dh.


Is funny how they said they make changes based on player feedback. Wonder who are these players they mentioned about…


Yep its called 1-2% boost dps, damn hard for useless character :smiley: :smiley:

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