<Jynx> EU Kazzak - 5/8 HC LoU - LF dps / tank

Guild Name: Jynx
Faction: Horde and Alliance.
Server: Kazzak.
Recruitment status Open.
** Progression** -

NP 8/8HC 4/8M
LOU 8/8N 5/8 HC

About us:

Greetings from Jynx, a long founded guild backdating to 2008, established with the primary objective of subduing mythic raiding content, whilst maintaining an enjoyable and supportive environment for all. Whilst we have been on a leave of absence during the majority of Season four, we are dedicated to building a solid foundation within the first season that will enable us to pave a way to long-term success and camaraderie.

Our ambition:

The main goal for Jynx is to progress mythic content, we are not aiming to push for CE, but rather progress at a moderate pace, honing in on our abilities and pushing boundaries whilst upholding a fun, welcoming and engaging atmosphere. As a guild, we understand the importance of balancing progressive content and enjoyment, we aim to ensure all our events are both entertaining and productive for all.

What do we expect from you as a raider:

  • We’re looking for players that are looking to get into mythic raiding.
  • Have some background history of raiding.
  • Strong attendance 90%+.
  • A stable computer and internet connection.
  • To have a fully functional mic and be able to speak is highly desired.
  • The ability to accept criticism without taking it personally.
  • Your character needs to be optimized with adequate gear, flasks, pots, gems ect.
  • To show interest in guild activities outside of raiding, such as farming M+

What can you expect from us:

  • We’re eager to give everyone the chance to maintain a healthy balance between real-life and the game, hence we have set our raid times to be as efficient as possible for players to achieve that balance.
  • You’re to play in a stable and solid guild, led by an experienced raid leader who makes sure every aspect of the guild is well managed.

Raid Days:

- Main raid -
Wednesday 19:00 - 22:00 ST.
Sunday 19:00 - 22:00 ST.

  • Optional raid night*

Monday 19:00-22:00 ST.

If you’re interested in joining us or if you have an inquiry please do not hesitate get in touch. Please note that we are currently recruiting for season 2 !



** Mage** High demand
** Warlock** High demand

Other dps classes are considered

Makayda (GM)

Emmi2014#2825 (B-Net)
Airiain#4406 (Discord)

Apply here

Jynx app

We are now mostly looking for a mixture of dps classes.

We are currently looking for additional dps to join us in preparation for TWW

We are looking for the following dps:

Ele shaman

We will still consider and encourage all applications regardless of recruitment needs.

We are now looking for active members for both casual and full time raiding.

Both new and returning players are more then welcome to join us at Jynx.

We are currently looking for a relightable shadow priest to join our core raiding team.

In addition to this, we are also welcoming social members and casual raiders that look to join a friendly, relaxed guild, for M+ and casual raiding.

Recruitment is currently open to all players.


Warlock dps
Aug / devo evo
Druid feral / boomi


evoka - aug / devo

For our two night riad team

Thought i would come and bump , great raid environment and awesome team
Still looking for a few Dps classes to join

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We are currently looking for a warlock / warrior dps to join our team ^^

We are now looking for a Warlock dps to join our roster for further progression

We are looking to add a dps warrior / ret pala and either 1 resto druid / h-priest or h-pala to our team for season 2.

Looking to add a druid / priest / paladin / Evoker healer to our roster, along with a DK dps , and mage. Other classes considered

We are looking for a healer to join our current healer team, preferably a pries / holy pala or resto druid.

Along side with a Aug / devo Evoke
Dk uh / frost
Warrior Dps

Looking for

WW monk

Warrior dps
DK dps

Possible position for holy priest or rest druid

Seeking a Druid, preferably Resto but will take a balance or feral.
Holy paladin.
Dev Evoke

Players for m+ and social game play are more then welcome to join.

We are currently looking to fill our last few spots in our core roster for season 2.

Warlock High demand
Rogue ** High demand
** Enhancement shaman
High demand
Feral Druid High demand

Resto druid High demand

We are now looking for one healer to join our roster ready for raiding in season two.

Resto druid / Pres Evo

Despite our recruitment needs, we will always consider applications for all other classes and roles.

Currently 8/8 N LoU Looking for a few more dps / healers to join us for our core raiding team