Kalimdor needs a wall, and the Alliance must pay for it

Greetings we of the UFH (United Free Horde)
Has come together and after most consideration made up a list of things we believe we are owed by the Alliance for allowing this War to ensue in the first place, were it not for the aggression of Gen Greymane and High King Anduin Wrynn.
the War would likely never had happened in the first place as there would had been no means for the Warchief of the OH (Old Horde)
to successfully launch a campaign that would lead to a Blood War.

First of all we want an official agreement signed by the Alliance Leadership that so, long the UFH acts under the code of Conduct known as Honor, no Si:7 or other spy organizations shall be send into our territories, upon the breach of this agreement the entire Alliance Body is to be executed as a committed of trust between the GA and the UFH.
Naturally should the leadership of the UFH breach the code of conduct execution shall await them too.

Next we demand that all Night elf invaders are immediately removed from Land of Ashenvale which, we’ve claimed under the Code of Conduct an Honorable Conquest lead by HighOverlord Saurfang himself.

These Invaders are to be moved to the Lands of Gilneas and then those of the druidic arts are to in cooperation with the UFH Cleanse the lands of Lordaeron from the terrible Blight.

Once this has been complete the Construction of the Wall of Kalimdoor shall be ensued to ensure no Night elves illegally treads upon the Soil of UFH.
Naturally the UFH will relinquish all Claim to the Lands of Lordaeron once we’ve managed to cleanse it of the unfortunate effects done by our Former Forsaken in Arms.

Any Night elf that wish to work with the UFH within our territory is more than welcome to apply for a stay of Work within the Lands of Ashenvale, and may even bring the closes of kin so, long as they abide by the rules of the UFH.

Further more the wall build will be founded by the GA, as a sign of trust between our Nations, and the UFH is willing to allow the GA an Embassy within our lands upon which the contracts for stay of Work, and other important paper work including diplomatic matters will be handled, there ensuring a lasting peace.

the Land of Quel’thalas shall serve as the Embassy for the UFH to communicate with the GA, and ensure our treaties are not broken.
In return for the GA’s Cooperation we’ll hand over the Warchief of OH to the GA, for her to Stand Trial in their lands and meet out Justice for all.

in the Events the GA, cannot grand our none negotiation-able terms, the UFH cannot trust the GA to not cause further aggression and escalate another war soon enough.
We of the UFH, especially fear for the Zealots Lf (Light forged) and the Moon smitten NE (Night elves) to cause havoc into our territories and spark another War, therefore we advise for the GA.

to meet out our terms as soon as possible for a lasting peace between our Nations, we look forward to a Favorable reply within the Next Moon Cycle.


Lost me on 1st paragraph. Is this last drop of defence from dying rabid dog (Horde…)?

Bahahaha! :rofl:

I can see this thread will have great potential to go to weird places! :thinking::smoking:

We of the UFH, seek to forge a lasting peace with the GA, however certain events prior to the Blood War has clear implications how even someone as Honorable Varok Saurfang would lent his support to Sylvanas’ war in the First place, namely the aggressive actions of the Alliance Supreme Commander and his Aid Lord Gen Greymane.
as such we believe it only fair that these individuals pay for their direct provocations for War, but in a most peaceful fashion as possible.

as we speak the Night elves continue to invade the Land of DarkShore, which now belongs to the Horde By act of Conquest, a means of taking another’s land which still stands within the Code of Conduct Honor.

Thus for peace to last they must be removed and transported far away from our Capital, while assisting in the cleansing of the Land of Lordaeron which the UFH, fully recognize as GA Territory by the act of Conquest.
the UFH however, seek to mend old wounds and will thus assist in the cleansing of the land.

If the Night elves however insists upon invading our lands, we’ll remove them by force and will then simply ask for the GA not to interfere if they’ll not assist in the removal of these Violent former Owners.

Gilneas shall be returned to its people too naturally, however the resource of the Lands of Ashenvale will be essential to the restoration of the UFH territories and as such we cannot relinquish our rightful claim of the land no matter, how it may infuriated the former masters of the Land.

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As far as my information serves both individuals had a reason to act in defence or aggressive, given Sylvanas’ actions.

Baahahahaha! You are a funny elf I must admit. Now listen here, these Code of Conduct Honor doesnt mean crap all tae us or them! Its their ancestral lands and it was Horde who dared to violate your so called Code. Forsaken shall be purged from the lands of Kalimdor as they were in Eastern Kingdoms.

Horde has never been known to be very “nurturing” to planets they inhabit. The ones that are concerted about it are hunted down as traitors. So let me be clear with ya, Elf! After Horde has been beaten and there is no value to everything you just wrote here, Orgrimmar will have to pay, tax to Alliance. Saurfang will have trial and City will be under watchful eyes of Alliance ambassador.

I dont think you understand the situation quite well. We will reclaim Gilneas and solidify our hold on all EK and prey that your precious city full of traitors is spared!

In Accordance to the information available, Genn Greymane shortly three weeks after the Fall of the Broken Shore, a death trap which according to our Agent was discovered by the Alliance’s famed SI:7 yet was not given warning to either side, due to incompetence and capture of the leader Mathias Shaw.

the Attack of the Lord of the wolves, was even not even sanctioned by the High King Himself as such it was a clear act of aggression to ignite a war.

the Young King of Stormwind flooded the streets of Orgrimmar with Spies, simply for the gesture to apply pressure upon the Horde, another clear and unneeded act of aggression towards the Horde.

the War of Thorns was won through the Code of Honor, using your spies against you and the Nativity of your King is not a breach of Honor.
the Horde took the Lands of Ashenvale through a conquest of Honor.
we’d however wish that the madness of the Warchief had not come to the burning of Teldrassil but even before this tragic event the lands of Ashenvale already belonged to the Horde.

I pray your leaders are more minded for peace than you, what you are describing will never come to pass, your Alliance cannot end this war on their own Varok Saurfang was Pardoned by your High King and released from his cell by the ruler himself, if a Trial for the HighOverlord was planned it would had happened already.

Your Thirst for more Bloodshed is concerning.
has not enough already died in this war must more fall?

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And yet if he was not there Sylvanas would have committed horrandous crime. And deal the blow to our allies against the Legion.

After a provocation and threat of Sylvanas Windrunner.

And Night Elves will always defend the Honor of their people and ancestral lands, they have claim to these lands and take it by force or not. Horde has failed to uphold their honor once, we dealt with it and warned you. But it seems once a fool always a rebellious fool. There will be no talk about peace, after WoT.

You have been misinformed. Varok Saurfang has never been pardoned.

You should have asked that to yourselves when waging a war against the forces you cannot handle. We thought you people could be reasoned with. That you deserved a chance, but no over and over you look to destruction and mass killing of innocents.

But its not surprising from elf, who sleeps with the ones that once butchered and killed countless your kin. spit

Alliance is mere weeks away from victory even without treacherous Varok Saurfangs help.

With what fleet may I ask?
With what forces you couldn’t even take attack Dazaor’ alor with out first leading away most of the City’s defense and that was before you lost your fleet to the Trap of Aszhara.

and once the Horde forces and the city guards returned you were forced out much quicker than you manage to invade.
the Alliance is in no glorious shape either, you are a fool if you believe you can defeat Sylvanas without Our Aid.
Her forces of the dead only grows and her weapons of Azerite only increase no, doubt as you foolishly insist upon not accepting that both sides sorely need.

Alliance invaded a home of Zandalari where Whole Horde was garrisoned. How many Zandalari are stranded there without the fleet. And Alliance had not committed their whole fleet in chasing two forsaken flagship.

As for Sylvanas, she is as much of a threat to you as she is to rest ofnthe world. She will come for Taurens and have take over Ogrimmar. Horde will bleed as much as Night Elves in Kalimdor if she is not stopped. What does Horde have now? Silvermoon which is going to be only bastion in EK, let Alliance divert its attentions in EK. And an Island with no ships. Your UFH sounds pretty harmless.

in accordance to my sources, yes the Alliance launch their Es the Kul’tiran fleet and most of their ships to chase down the Horde Navy.
seeking to end this war with a show of Might and capture Nathanos Blightcaller putting a end to this war, instead both were consumed by the Naga Trap.

Falling for low-tier bait harder than those elves fell off Teldrassil

sigh seems you are well informed guy. Good luck reclaiming Horde from Sylvanas. Why even bother… She bleeds out Horde. Light has stood againat the forces of death once and it shall do it again!

Both sides are bleeding.
You sure, you wish to find out who’ll bleed out first?
Because the victor won’t enjoy anything.

If you thinknof it. No Hence Alliance army reclaims EK and Sylvanas punishes the rebels knocking oh her doorstep.

We can wait this out, but in afraid you have not too much time left until the rebelious bunch in put on spike.

and once we are gone, nothing will be able to Stop the Banshee Queen.
In -waiting this out.
You grant the ultimate victory to her.

Lich King couldnt stop Alliance. Do you believe Bashee Queen alone with her dead army and two Valkyr can stop the forces of Light, such as Velen or Anduin. The weird Lady of Elunes wraith.

We know how to kill her. And Mind you she was never strong enough to raise strong zombies as Arthas.

Elves can fight guerrilla warfare almost indefinitely. Sylvanas has no fleet or recources. Her battle with Horde will only serve in our favor, while Horde drawns in its own blood in Kalimdor and EK is under Blue, Elves might get another chance tae join right side. As for Zandalari left alone without allies and fleet wont be able to do anything. The death will claim once mighty empire of trolls.

"Yeah… No. Look, I’m actively trying to find a peaceful resolution here, but this isn’t it. You’re not getting Ashenvale, you’re not getting that deal, and I’m working very hard to ensure you get to keep Orgrimmar, but I won’t lie, the outlook is bleak. It’ll probably be ashes by this time next year.

"Preliminary analysis is the Tauren, Trolls and Goblins will get to keep their ancestral lands. That’s Kezan for Goblins, not Azshara, we’re going to want that back. Suramar is likely too, but there’s some Night Elves who want it back, I’m working on it. Lordaeron is a lost cause - the city and the kingdom - and we’ll see about Quel’thalas. There’s talk of regime change, but we can’t really force anyone to not be part of the Horde. Also, there will be some arms limitations. Personal weapons are mostly fine, but the construction of demolishers and armed vessels - air or sea - will probably have to halt, and all current ones disarmed or dismantled.

“The ‘Code of Honor’ is no longer officially recognized, as its translation from Orcish seems to have been flawed, and may more closely translate to ‘body count.’ As such, behavioral restrictions will need to be reworked from the ground up. We’re still hammering it out, but you may want to get used to not expanding your territory for a while. Don’t worry, the more onerous ones are temporary, probably no more than a century or so.”

The Alliance will happily build walls around the Horde, when we stick them all back in the camps.

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The horde is the most bumped up faction in this game. Their races don’t really have mutual goals. Tauren-orc-troll trio is okay. Undeads are absolutely hang out from this group as well as the blood elves. Nightbornes are the same. I hope horde will break up to other factions and there will 3 or 4, not only 2. No offense guys but horde is really a shaked up juice with bad ingredients.

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