Greetings we of the UFH (United Free Horde)
Has come together and after most consideration made up a list of things we believe we are owed by the Alliance for allowing this War to ensue in the first place, were it not for the aggression of Gen Greymane and High King Anduin Wrynn.
the War would likely never had happened in the first place as there would had been no means for the Warchief of the OH (Old Horde)
to successfully launch a campaign that would lead to a Blood War.
First of all we want an official agreement signed by the Alliance Leadership that so, long the UFH acts under the code of Conduct known as Honor, no Si:7 or other spy organizations shall be send into our territories, upon the breach of this agreement the entire Alliance Body is to be executed as a committed of trust between the GA and the UFH.
Naturally should the leadership of the UFH breach the code of conduct execution shall await them too.
Next we demand that all Night elf invaders are immediately removed from Land of Ashenvale which, weâve claimed under the Code of Conduct an Honorable Conquest lead by HighOverlord Saurfang himself.
These Invaders are to be moved to the Lands of Gilneas and then those of the druidic arts are to in cooperation with the UFH Cleanse the lands of Lordaeron from the terrible Blight.
Once this has been complete the Construction of the Wall of Kalimdoor shall be ensued to ensure no Night elves illegally treads upon the Soil of UFH.
Naturally the UFH will relinquish all Claim to the Lands of Lordaeron once weâve managed to cleanse it of the unfortunate effects done by our Former Forsaken in Arms.
Any Night elf that wish to work with the UFH within our territory is more than welcome to apply for a stay of Work within the Lands of Ashenvale, and may even bring the closes of kin so, long as they abide by the rules of the UFH.
Further more the wall build will be founded by the GA, as a sign of trust between our Nations, and the UFH is willing to allow the GA an Embassy within our lands upon which the contracts for stay of Work, and other important paper work including diplomatic matters will be handled, there ensuring a lasting peace.
the Land of Quelâthalas shall serve as the Embassy for the UFH to communicate with the GA, and ensure our treaties are not broken.
In return for the GAâs Cooperation weâll hand over the Warchief of OH to the GA, for her to Stand Trial in their lands and meet out Justice for all.
in the Events the GA, cannot grand our none negotiation-able terms, the UFH cannot trust the GA to not cause further aggression and escalate another war soon enough.
We of the UFH, especially fear for the Zealots Lf (Light forged) and the Moon smitten NE (Night elves) to cause havoc into our territories and spark another War, therefore we advise for the GA.
to meet out our terms as soon as possible for a lasting peace between our Nations, we look forward to a Favorable reply within the Next Moon Cycle.