Kangji's Daily Snapshots ((Forum Game)) ~ Thread Now Ended !

This is easy, but might go wrong without checking from the net


Temple of Ahn’Qiraj - Silithus

#27 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/2QmmHHQ

^^ The correct answer is Watcher’s Terrace - Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj. Well done Fatum, on point as usual. Nice try Leroch, you were very close… Temple of Ahn’Qiraj is just next door. :stuck_out_tongue:

On to the next Snapshot…

#28 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/B8V51my


Spoiler Darkshore / Maw of the Void

it seems this was the last of my guesses for some time now, i have to take some break from the game (IRL matters /sigh) :frowning: keep on with the picture posting, i’ll be back some months later :smiley:


I’m sure this one is in



but can’t name the place

Afternoon all.

#28 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/B8V51my

^^ The correct answers is Maw of the Void - Darkshore.

Good job Fatum & Leroch. Shame to see you go Fatum, thanks for playing & hopeful see you back again soon. :slight_smile:

And now for the next Snapshot… A bit of a tough one, however there should just be enough clues to help out.

#29 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/Cq8C939

Guess / Spoiler

Northern Barrens / Wailing Caverns

Better than my guess which was


A cave in Azeroth



Haha, but that is a good guess and probably a right one :joy:

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Time for another round of “Wheeers Kangji!” :stuck_out_tongue:

#29 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/Cq8C939

^^ The correct answer is Wailing Caverns - Northern Barrens. Not the instance/dungeon, but within the cave complex before entering. Nice one Leroch, you nailed it! :smiley:

I usually try to avoid posting indoor shots such as caves, as they tend to be somewhat generic, both from a colour pallet perspective as well as layout. That being said, The Wailing Caverns cave is quite unique I believe, blooming with life & vegetation. I honestly can not think of a another cave that looks like this in WoW. Just to be safe, I also deliberately took the Snapshot to have a rare Hydra called “Trigore the Lasher” in view. :wink:

Coming up next is the big Three-Oh (30th), which means its another double whammy, with a bonus Snapshot to boot. Good luck & see you all tomorrow. :smile:

#30 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/ruuhj3X

Bonus - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/RN72Nkk

Sri-la? :slight_smile:

Tanaris? Those ruins, where Narain is.

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Not so easy this time, maybe this?


Jade Forest / Sri-La Village

Bonus was an easier one

Bonus spoiler

Tanaris / Steamwheedle Port

I give up, I’m just here for kangji’s awesome poses now. My favourite panda :smiley:

1 is definitely in


Pandaria though

No idea for the second.


Howdy folks. Back again. :slight_smile:

#30 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/ruuhj3X

Bonus - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/RN72Nkk

^^ The correct answer is Sri-La Village - The Jade Forest. As for the for the Bonus, it was indeed Steamwheedle Port - Tanaris. Good job guys!

Remember to be as specific as possible… You can always check on an in-game map for the name of an area/zone if your ever unsure. Alternatively, if you fancy an adventure you can always fly out to a location to get conformation that way too. :wink:

Anyhoo, onto the next Snapshot…

#31 Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/lOfKszt

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Elwynn forest / Stone cairn lake?

Hey guys. Its that time again. :smile:

#31 Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/lOfKszt

^^ The correct answer was Stone Cairn Lake - Elwynn Forest. Well done Leroch, your getting pretty good at this. :smiley:

Now for the next Snapshot…

#32 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/mHG2K3e


Bael Modan in the Southern Barrens.


for lore on the location:


It was established by the Dwarves next to a town of a Tauren tribe, the Stonespire Tauren. The Dwarves were, in the eyes of the Tauren, invading their ancestral lands, and upsetting the balance by digging ruthlessly. Needless to say, conflict ensued, which resulted unfortunately in the Stonespire Tauren being almost wiped out.

During Cataclysm, the Horde took revenge by blowing the settlement up, causing all Dwarves present to die.


I think I know the place


Southern Barrens / Bael modan ?

Afternoon all. :slight_smile:

#32 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/mHG2K3e

^^ The correct answer is indeed Bael Modan - Southern Barren. Well done Haiete & Leroch, you guys got it one. Also nice to see some lore posted on the location too, thanks Haiete. :+1:

Onto the next Snapshot…

#33 - Where am I?.. https://imgur.com/ruy46qF

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Timeless Isle, I’m not sure that has a specific name. It’s where the crane statue is that sends you flying in the sky to collect chests as you float down. The bridge on the right leads to Blazing Way. The bridge on the left goes to Ordos the World Boss.