Karazhan chess event tips?

anyone got a tip for completing it quickly and for doing it solo? have completed it once but it was brutal

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some tims bug out noting u cen do about it

It has been sometime since I ran it, but at least to me it seemed random. It really depends on what the AI does.

Basically just jump into King, then immediately start to move Pawns out of your way. Clear safe space for King (for the fire). Start killing stuff with the Queen.

If the AI brings their King up, you win. If they turtle you lose. After I got all I needed from the event I just skipped with, but I haven’t found away to get around the new death barrier, so I just don’t run Kara anymore.

Control your king - nothing else.

Don’t go above 3rd row. If you low up just go back where ever you are and wait for healing. Be patient. Don’t loose your healer if possible.

At least in the past you were required to make space for the flames, so you could move your King out of the fire when the AI “cheats”.

Soo hard.

as horde i’m always wiping enemy team with warlock


This works great but there is a slightly faster way to get the demons/elementals to middle and that is to move the regular grunt/soldier on their front left/right first, instead of the one right in front of them, as the pieces can be moved diagonally as well.
It’s pretty much a surefire way to do the event with, it rarely fails. It can be on the longer side occasionally, depending on the enemy leader’s movement but even then it shouldn’t take much longer than 5 minutes to do.

What is your succes rate with this? In the video the guy says “they may die, but that’s OK. Just keep trying and eventually it will work”. This sure is the case because sometimes the AI will just fail and bring their King in alone and you win no matter what you do, but does this ‘bring demons in the middle’ strategy have higher success rate?

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