Karazhan Crypts Bugs

Hello , common bug we experience in every run we do , in the Kharon room there are spots that you take fire from the spider webs from the previous room.

Also being part of a top guild with many exceptional players that have good awareness and know what they are doing we clear the dungeon in 20-30 minutes and we spend another 30 minutes trying to locate the relics.

I understand that having multiple torches ( 1st day bug ) is not intended and not a solution but neither is wasting our times running behind 1 guy. Because it is actually only 1 guy capable of looking around and it takes so long that we usually leave 1 guy behind and the rest log on alts and do other stuff while he is looking.

Pretty sure this scenario is also not intented so lets all try to find a solution to this.
If anybody has an idea on this feel free to share but try to not completely break this dungeons purpose.

Also in the stairs we have encountered ( not in all our runs ) weird aggro situations through walls or different floors. This obviously also needs a fix.

Thanks in advance.

You can loot the relics without the torch. So several players can loot different rooms at the same time if they can sustain themselves.
And the relics tend to drop on the same spots so after doing it a few time you kinda get the hang of it.

I agree the relic thing is dragging the clear a bit too much. For most groups I have been with it took a solid 2 hours to clear. Having to go through the whole dungeon after an hour and a half to find tiny relics isn’t the most pleasant.
But it’s overall been a great addition, really like the immersion and discovery of new bosses and strats.

A bug both my guild groups found was the dark rider; he despawned but we stayed in combat and he wouldn’t reset.

Last night 10+ groups had the same problem. Relics hadn’t spawned. I personally checked every square inch. It’s not fun to play where’s Waldo for 60 min after every run.