Katanas! Where art thou?

So little katanas in the game. Even Pandaria did not deliver a single katana so the only ones we have date back to vanilla.

Only one i ever use is the Blade of Hanna:

Which is not only extremly rare but is also the only two handed katana in the entire game. And the actual 3d model is very old.
Will there be any new katanas in future xpacs?

Why would Pandaria have Katanas? They are Japanese Weapons.
Pandaria is based on Chinese styles and architecture.

And I wouldn’t get my hopes up on new Katanas, but you never know.


Predicting weapons is like predicting expansions, no one knows.

There are quite a few. Bonelasher, duskbringer, frost tigerblade, headstriker and more.

Its not the only 2H Katana in game.

There’s Duskbringer, Ta’Kierthan Songblade, Helboar Carving Blade, Strike of the Hydra

Katanas are very basic looking weapons, they’re very realistic looking weapons. They also makes them quite boring to look at in comparison to the new fancier weapon we have today.

There is a reason most if not all of the katanas we have in game are vanilla based, because vanilla needed to have boring looking weapons for questing rewards, while the weapons still looked realistic.

Yeah but they could also add new effects for exemple a katana that is black with cracks that let out lava or things like that.

Well first off Blade of Hanna is definitely not the only Katana in the game.

However i would lOVE to see a current day model of Blade of Hanna and more Katanas similar in color to that of the “Yamato” from DMC 5 which looks incredible.
I hope Blizz delivers someday.

I use katanas on all of my melle chars also i got a big katana irl :slight_smile:

Forget katanas, we need Berserk style great swords, spears and spear animations, also need Guandaos and more curved blades!

I would love a few new katanas too :slight_smile:

While the pandaren are based on Chinese culture the other races in pandaria often have names from other cultures. Take Hyuna the pet battle trainer for example. That would be a korean name. Or the yaungol which obviously is a reference to mongols. So the OP is correct with his assumption that MoP should have brought katanas for us players.


We’ll get more katanas when we get one-handed spears.

And cloaks that do not look like bath towels.


so true. lol

Old models totally looks like bath towels. The new ones are good though :smiley:

I didn’t say that the blade of hanna was the only katana ingame, it is the only TWO HANDED katana ever.
Two handed is the proper way of handling a katana so to me the Blade of Hanna is the closest we’ll ever get to weilding one.

There are other katanas yes but they are one handed. Good if you wanna roll a ninja but not a true Samurai following the bushido.

In any way, they are old models so you’ll look silly mogging them with recent gear.

And I gave you examples that are two handed katanas.

Ninjas use Wakizashi traditionally, which are a straight blade and shorter than a katana.

Hmm to actually use history or not.
A F it Samurai and ninja use the same weapons.
Samurai is a class in the class system of japan a ninja is a job you do.
So being a ninja means you can be from whatever class but you can never become a samurai.

A Samurai is a class so a Samurai can work as a ninja if they want to.

Wakizashi is a short sword that was used on the same belt as a katana.


Yeah , we need normal looking weapons tho. Not everyone likes weapons that looks like a wooden board you use to put pizzas into a pizza oven. Thats on fire. With skulls on it, and alot of other ugly stuff on it.

I tend to try to get a somewhat normal looking mog on my chars. but that can be quite hard to find.

It would be nice if there would be some future patch (trial of style perhaps) that brings us themed tmog outfits. Like looking like a garderner,cook etc

But also it would be nice if gray weapons could be used for tmogs. gray gear looks normal or good but sadly cant be used for tmog

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You can only make the same sword so many times before you can no longer make unique realistic looking swords.

If you want realistic, drops from mobs in vanilla zones would be the best way to go.

the wow anniversary had a katana drop from azuregos…didn’t you farm it?

"vanilla zones"xcept vanilla got removed during xcta

If you’re going to be a pedant about it.
“Zones which existed during vanilla, which still contain vanilla mobs”