Kazzak loading times and not able to enter world


So, as so many others have stated this launch have had some problems. The biggest problem for me thus far is I am actually unable to even play the game - At least in any meaningful capacity.

Either I am stuck in hour(s)-long login queues, or now when trying to login this entire morning I am simply getting stuck on a black char-select screen or at around 80% loading screen when trying to enter the world on a character.

This is a problem specific to “Kazzak”-EU for me (the realm where I have all my “mains”). Entering “Shattered Hand” or “Argent Dawn” is working without a hitch…

I hope we can get some updates from Blizzard if this is something on the players end or if it’s a technical issue related to Kazzak specifically.

UPDATE: Geez Blizzard… after swapping from Argent Dawn back to Kazzak, not only am I unable to load my Kazzak realm-char-list, I can now only see the name from the last logged on char on Argent Dawn… Whilst on Kazzak realm.

Kazzak died this morning mate

Things just got even better…

I now have 0 characters on Kazzak apparently (down to 0 from 1 out of every class), even better yet - I now have the Alliance background, despite me only having played Horde characters on this realm, ever.

Screenshot as seen here:
i. imgur. com/YkjV9AU. png (can’t post links for some reason, simply remove spaces after each “.”)…

Kazzak died man… see other post (no chars kazzak)


fml this kazzak server, in BFA my friends decided that we should move from alliance slyvanas to horde on kazzak and till this day i regret it!!! FML, if blizz are not able to support all the players on kazzak they should give me the free option to move back to slyvans