[Kazzak] Prot Pala / Resto Sham LF Raiding guild

Hey all,

Returning player here, planning to main Prot Paladin this xpac with Resto Shaman as backup.

Paladin is 585 ilvl currently, almost all pre-bis
Shaman is 575 ilvl, still gearing up a bit but raid ready

Been playing since original TBC, paused in Legion and Dragonflight.
Prefered raid days would be over the week (not weekend).

++ For Balkan guilds



SaveCowEatPanda is looking for nemesis who loves conversation(by the day) and leans for honor, justice and vengeance(by the night). Seeking arch-enemy, possibly crime lord or deformed megalomaniac. discord.gg/hrzF4ru

Heyhey! I think you’d be a operfect fit for our guild, feel free to add me on Discord: nying, or Bnet: Nying#21329 to have a chat :slight_smile: