Keep all three eu rp servers alive, not just hydraxian waterlords!

great news for hydraxian waterlords (rp pve), thank you for listening to the rp community! but to be honest, we need all three eu rp servers to stay alive, celebras and zandalar tribe as well!
celebras (the german rp pve server) - because the language barriers would make rp very very difficult! we (the players from celebras) wanted celebras for a reason! german players fought to get a german rp server (which we got then, two month after classic release).
zandalar tribe (the english rp pvp server) - because the hugely different playstyle!

another problem that will occur is the thing with the character names. many names are already taken on the other server. we put love into our characters and the names are a part of it!

please just let all three eu rp servers stay alive!


I agree- even if I actually speak German quite well (and speak is the key here, writing is a whole other cup of tea), German is my fourth language, and I would not be able to and much less comfortable playing WoW or worse RP in German, and forced to a PvP server, I would quit.
So yes! Please keep all 3 RP servers.


I support keeping all 3 servers myself. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that HW will stay alive, and as far as I’m concerned Celebras and ZT “refugees” will be more than welcome, but the language barrier would be a problem for those who don’t feel comfortable with English - and of course, ZT players will lose the world PvP element of the game.


Surely if all the German RP players move over, they can keep playing in German and all the ZT RP-PvP players can stay permaflagged? I know it won’t be exactly the same, but it’s better than nothing, isn’t it?


This is how it should be done.


Here is some example from my Alliance guild how it would look like then.
Englisch Player: „Would you like me to assist in this challenging task? It looks like you needed some help.“
Xaver: „Was?“
Liv: „Er fragt, ob er helfen soll. Wir sehen aus als könnten wir Hilfe gebrauchen.“
Xaver: „fuchtelt mit den Armen Was weiß der schon? Hilfe BRAUCHEN? Wir brauchen keine Hilfe! Ich helf DEM gleich mal! Aber er kann ja gerne mitkommen und zusehen, wie wir den Gegner alleine von der Karte x-en und ihm ein Liv-ting verpassen! MÜLLFURZ!“
Englisch Player: „Ok… what did he just say?“
Liv: „He said: Yes.“

There is a reason why there is a language barrier. Or in the end it could happen that english language there will become a rare sight if all the RP Player would transfer over.
Imagine suddenly to have a learn another language despite this is your homeland because it is taken over by fugitives.
I will not say this would be the intention but it could happen.


That… would actually be hilarious :laughing: But it would take very patient people to pull it off, and a sense of humor to boot. And it would probably get old kinda quick!
That been said, I will help you in your task, even though you’re acting tough and pretending to not need help, friend! (if I got the gist of the German RP response) :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes this whas the gist of it but not my dialog but a rogue duo from the “Lilien von Stratholme”.

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Actually I think that if any RP server should be allowed to survive, they should have chosen Celebras!

and I just wrote this on the US forums.


Well, actually, dear Kraktor - this dialogue was not supposed to become public, but … if it makes someone laugh or shows how RP on Celebras works - yes, make us CELEBRITIES!

With kindest regards

Manager of:

  • Monobrow Inc (open every Sunday afternoon! Specialized in after-jumper cable treatments)
  • Let’s dance, maan! (Dance academy for trollish style)
  • Ehrlich’s Crime Scene cleaning - not just done but clean
  • L&X School for Heroes - Who wants to liv forever?
  • BVE GmbH - Besorgen, versorgen, entsorgen, keine Sorgen (German pun, sorry!)
    Offical partner of
  • Life and Die Advice by Xaver Ehrlich - A day without Xaver is a lost day. Your smile looks great on you!

Stuff like this is why I chose the RP servers in the first place! Not that I’m unhappy on MR, I’m liking the server a lot - but HW has a special place in my heart. sure, there are bad apples and weirdos everywhere, but the community on HW really had the old school WoW feel. I don’t raid, but all the dungeons I did were good experiences, and I almost never encountered outright hostile or toxic people.


I know all you Germans speak way better English than we English speak German. It’s not even mandatory in our schools. I’m not for one minute suggesting you give up the fight to retain your servers, but if, in the end, it does come down to one or nothing due to number of players or whatever criteria they are using, I would hope you would all be welcome on HW and that your guilds could still play happily in German.

Keeping Celebras is never going to happen. More people speak English than know any German, so English will always be the default choice for a Europe-wide server. I’m just grateful they’re keeping an RP server open at all. I would stop playing rather than move to a high pop normal PvE one.

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What you talk about are the young guys. But that is not the average WoW player.
I with my 25 years are only quarter of the Classic players. The Majority is 40-50 year old.
And as Malou described:

I have many of those 40-50 year old guys in my guild. So wandering on Hydraxian Waterlords would mean that we german guys take over an english Realm and so more or less force the natives to speak german despite them being the home. And if you go by the majority like you stated here:

then this is not true as there are more german roleplayers then english ones.
It whas said in the discussions about server closure that Celebras has more active players then all the other closed realms together.
So if they let open only one RP Realm it should be Celebras.

That does not mean I want to deny the guys from Hydraxian Waterlords or Zandalar Tribe their server as I am happy for them that they can at least RP like a character from that universe, in their own native language. While from my personal point of view I would agree with that just letting one permaflagged as PvP could be a substitute I still want them to keep their server as it seem for them to be important for the flair to be this way. Because I can only see in RP the problem with the language barrier and so keep them on one Realm would maybe be better, I hope they could still have their fun on their PvP Server as it does not interfere with my fun.

Anyway if we go by the numbers you love so much then the choice should have been Celebras.


Yes, exactly what I have said, and I have even written it on the US forum as well. Celebras is not only the largest of the RP servers, it’s also the one with most RP happening. German is my 4th language (English my second), but I would still willingly go to Celebras.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:
I regret that i didn`t play alliance more…
Too late… :confused:

am i the only one who knows Asterix and Obelix and was reminded of “what he says??”

(unfortunately no english sub titles… and the automated ones are not helpful ;o
the conversaion is more or less:
en: What he says?
de: was hat er gesagt (what did he say?)
interrupted by: “Ruhe” (Shut up)
and "i think he is asking what you are saying)

As Kraktor mentioned, there are a lot of older people playing classic, in my bubble some were older then 60 :wink:

Either those players are lost because they do not udnerstand anything, or we would have to turn Hydraxian Waterlords into a german realm

Both is not fair.

But I think, Zashii was thinking in generell, not only the current RP player base, that there are more people who speak english, then german.

Probably true, but not for the older german generations (my younger friend is only playing on english realms if possible. I always have to ask what he is talking about, because i don`t understand the english wow slang :smiley: luckily he knows both… :smiley: )


No, that’s not what I meant. Not more native English speakers, more Europeans overall. Add in French, Spanish, Italian, Polish etc etc and the one common international language is going to be English. That’s how a US company is going to see it, I’m sure. They’re going to pick the Engliish realm every time.

I’d have no issue going to Celebras myself, my German hasn’t been used for about 40 years but I can usually still understand the gist of what’s written. I would expect English-speaking conclaves to spring up there. There shouldn’t be any forcing of any language, we should all be able to co-exist. Whichever realm we’re on. I draw the line at forced PvP though.


Wow I could have written this. I’m OK with people speaking their own language, drawing the line at other alpphabets only. But here too I think I’m the odd one out understanding most of the European languages (only not Finninsh, Hungarian, Greek and strangely Roumainian).
Most younger Europeans speak (or think they speak) English, older ones speak English, French, German or Russian depending on where they grew up, the parting line being if your formative years fell before or after '89.

Let Celebras live!


Wow :flushed: :flushed: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

That`s it.
As i said, my younger friend is only playing on huge, english realms, and is talking a lot in english.
There is for sure a shift between generations.

I guess, some of the older player are too shy to “invade” an english realm, or “too polite”. Still, i doubt it will happen.

One reason why the german forum was put upside down was exactly this “fear” of being stuck on an english realm. without that, the players already had moved to HW, and i think some did if i remember correctly :thinking:

Those, who did not move to HW back then or ZT, wouldn´t do it today, too (some moved to Venoxis instead of ZT, because they didn´t want to play on an english realm…)


I logged on some of my characters that remained on HW the other day, played a bit, even started a new Druid (Nelf this time and with my original name that I had to change on MR) and played a bit… Our server is so empty, it’s kinda heartbreaking. It was never highly populated, and to be honest I do prefer servers to not be too crowded… But it really feels like a ghost town. Granted, I haven’t gotten my Druid to a city yet so maybe Alliance side there are more people.

A growing part of me wishes that HW would be retired instead of Celebras. I just feel sad :frowning: