Keep our character model during Ascension, please

Hi all,

First of all, thank you devs for making some new ascendance models, and thank you for listening to the feedback and give us a bit of choice with glyph customisation.
For those not aware, we get a new baseline ascendance model and we get two glyph options to change that model into either another new one with some crazy hair, or the current live one we’ve had since Cataclysm. I have another bit of feedback though.

Dear developers. I beg of you, please give us another customisation option. I would like to just be my own character with some cool effects swirling around me, or have my character model reskinned like Glyph of the Stars for balance druid. I have never identified with these weird ascendance creatures. They look horrible and are so out of place in WoW. It is a crying shame that we don’t have the option to just be our own characters with some additional effects. I love my character. I love my transmog. I love feeling like it is my character that makes the difference. Turning into another creature makes it feel like I’m not playing my character anymore. I don’t even know what I’m playing, those creatures are so alien to World of Warcraft. Please, please, please make us a glyph of elemental effects. That’s my piece, thank you for listening. Also, I’ll never let the opportunity to advocate for a shaman tank spec pass me by, so please make that happen too, thank you :slight_smile:


I like this idea! Maybe have glyphs for what type of effect you want? Like wind, fire, earth and soon.

I really like this idea and would like to see it implemented.
But I think this will not happen, for reasons of class balance and pvp, when a shaman is in ascended mode he should be clearly visible and recognizable.
Just like the DH transformation

Either this could be disabled in PvP or we could just get over it. When a druid in glyph of stars pop incarnation it’s also a very minor change to their model, so I’m not sure this reason is valid.

Surely an ascendant of the current class form would be more appropriate but i rly can’t understand how the class designers are thinking for years now, so I 'll get what i can and i ll enjoy the crazy hair guy, as much as I am able to use it since it will be a glyph now :smiley:

Big Debuff is available for CD tracking. Must have in PvP

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