Keep randomly crashing (dunno what the error message means)

So I’ve logged on today first time since prepatch launched and I’m crashing so often it’s unplayable. Happens the most after a loading screen.

I get this when it happens:
  • Disable any Anti Virus nonsense if you have that running.
  • Close crud software like Discord, RTSS, Armory Crate and other useless crap.
  • Rename your addons folder to Addons.old
  • In the Blizz launcher got to Settings → Game Settings → World of Warcraft → [Reset In-Game Options]

If this fails to remedy the issue. Post back with your PC Hardware details and your exact Windows build number.

You don’t need to do all that actually, the ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes come from the new compatibility settings.

In Options → Graphics, at the bottom disable “Optional GPU features” and “Advanced Work Submit”.

It’s also an option, yes. As is setting your Render Scale back to 100%.

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