Keeping a rogue as a pet

Greeeetings fellow citizens of Azeroth…Directly from the “Anti Rogue Society”, I, “Jawfelloff” warlock of the Horde bring you:


  1. Taming a Rogue:

Rogues are hyper-active skittish creatures, always running off into all sorts of trouble, and can be hard to get into a leash. They have one single weakness, an ego the size of a small moon, by simple dropping in an occassionel comment such as " nice dps", " you killed that a lot quicker than a Mage could" or " yes, that is the biggest dagger i`ve ever seen" , the rogue will follow you to the ends of the world and back like a mad slavering dog waiting for the next one. Also the suggestion that what ever your working on could lead to a legendary sword works wonders.

Should your rogue get a little out of hand, “accidently” losing agro to the point of hes near death will calm him down,but this has to be measured carefully if he emerges with a scratch his self opinion will be even higher ( hard to believe, but its possible ) and he will be uncontrollable the next half hour before hes all tuckered out and curls up for a nap. As a last resort neutering is an option, but can leave your rogue a little lathaugic, but can be necessary in certain situation.

  1. Rogues in public :

Many people believe that rogues have no place in polite society…they are right!. If you must take your rogues out in public here are some guidelines:

Keep your rogue well away from other rogues, they only excite each other and can work themselves into a frenzy comparing “sword” and " dagger" size.

Keep your “male” rogues out of areas where they may encounter cute females, seeing these will send the rogue into a confused frenzy , " he knows he wants to do something and do it a lot, but he just cant work out what IT is".


NEVER EVER say the word poison if you even suspect that a rogue may be in the zone, this will atract them from miles around as they try to work out if you`ve got any or if you wanna hear any possible detail about theres for the next 3 hours.

Never leave your rogue unattended. Even though “rogues are somekind of scouts” they possess no sense of direction AT ALL. If you threw a rogue off a cliff ( which we all contemplated doing) he would struggle to find hes way to the bottom without directions.

Thats all for now, comming soon: “paladin” Tank? Healer? or not so atractive lawn ornament? and “basic mage maintenance for under 5 gold a week”.