Keti caravan

As a Frenchman, I endorse this statement.

Hate the Bri’ish, simple as.

I recommend touching grass. Before winter comes.

It’s grass. It dies in the summer heat, not the winter.

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Then it’s already too late.

That is not the point… ¬¬

The point is that any person i talk to (aside of the associations and guilds for cleanse our guild leader and guild name, that still are about 20 persons) were polite and understand our points and the ones of keti. (Even if they not share the kit part, they saw the forum and agree that your reaction and toxicity about all of this should be cut off eventually)

We did somethings wrong, i recognize that. Keti is fixing her flaws and i mines. Taking the most active forum trolls (most, not all, of you) as a good representative of the community was by far one of them.

With all due respect though, your main flaw as I see it is that you can’t keep digging/stop poking further. Any comment you make also comes with an attempt to throw more shade and further conflict.

The “stop posting” others and I have told you was genuine advice. Cool your head off, take a break from the forums if needed, mute this thread and let it be.

It’s not only beneficial to your guild and guild’s image, but your own well-being as it will lead to alot less stress.

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Stop bullying Wales, Cornwall and Brittany you wine swilling frog eating garlic wearing, beret ruining, stripy-jumper wearing Italian

At least they brought the football home.

And I’m very happy for them. They had the better players.

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Eats cod spitefully

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Do you consider me one of them? :thinking:
Just wondering.

Why in the blazes is this still going on, Lipheron? What are you trying to prove?

We’ve gone in circles several times for almost 1100 posts now.


He’s trying to prove us he’s desperately in the right. I mean, his supposed group of 20+ people who also supposedly make up 70% of the pool of RPers are telling him he is. So we definitely are in the wrong, we must affirm his alternate reality for its about to collapse if we continue.

(Lipheron is no longer just a clown, he’s a circus all on his own.)


The question is… about what?

I lost track about what he’s trying to prove he’s correct about.

I just enjoy reading his posts. They do put a smile on my face.

Just don’t RP kids, golly.
It’s not rocket science, leave that to us* lot in the Cartel.



Personally I’m more dejected by the fact that this is dragging an entire guild’s reputation through the mud relentlessly.

Not even mentioning what this does to the perception of Vulpera as a whole.

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Oh. Of course.

Of course the man who defends kit roleplay has a worgen who’s basically called Feral.

Why am I not even remotely surprised.

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Definitely feeds my aversion to enter Orgrimmar unless necessary, it does.


He’s performing some highly skilled levels of thread Necromancy.

Yeah, I think he’s evolved past that. I mean, even the Draenei and Nelf Poster vanishes every now and then, they known when the fight is over.

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