Keti caravan

Dude, cool it. You’re quite obviously upset at this whole thing and you’re making less and less coherent sense.
Step away from the forums for a spell, leave this one be in particular. You’re just worsening this and starting to swing punches in random directions now.


i am reading the posts still on this thread.
But not willing to respond that much anymore.
I mean. let this get over with it and move along to make this community a bit better by having us given time to make better changes. for myself. for my guild and for everyone who sees it…

i try to reach people to make them aware that we take a bit step away from kid rping as long as there is no responsibility been taken.

I am only in if a serious discussion can be made now. if not. I am not going to respond.
Because i am not going to say it for a thousand times that we do make changes etc, and growing as everyone likes to see we do on a good way without having this big old print on us that is been called “do not take them serious” ← this i want to avoid, at all costs.

that’s all there is to it.

No, I hope that she actually looks at this entire mess with a critical eye and realize that you keep throwing around your opinions like they’re fact without realizing that almost everyone in this thread doesn’t share your opinion.

insert Principal Skinner meme here

I have no idea what you are talking about, and that’s not just because of your mangled English.

Then why do you keep dragging this thread up over and over and over again?


People, myself included, are more than willing to give you another chance - and you can put a stop to this incessant arguing in a very simple fashion:

By simply letting us know if Lipheron speaks for you and the guild or not. Since he is the one who continues to argue despite overwhelming opposition - and has done so since the very beginning - people naturally assume he’s still part of this whole shtick, which - as stated several times - reflects poorly on your guild and group as a whole.

If he’s doing all this on his own and you acknowledge as much, then there’s really no more reason for you or anyone else from your guild to get involved in it any further.


This is not to place more oil on the fire.
it’s just a simple question.

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I understand that, and I didn’t mean that you were doing it. I apologise if it seemed like I was blaming you, I wasn’t!

I think it’s a good question and you got answers. Good luck!

Don’t worry we have Tuzoh to redeem it.

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From what I understood it as, they(Lipheron) believe that they have singlehandledly preserved and restored(and even improved) Keti’s and the guilds reputation alone by doing these posts. No the opposite like everyone else here claims.

Which…yeah, I don’t understand how?


It is all by my own, leave the guild and keti aside of this. This is all about my own crusade against unfairness.

The fact that you call this crapshoot of an argument a crusade is equally hilarious and depressing.


Well, nobody can say that reason / common sense wasn’t at least tried…


In keti’s thread no less.


But you judge the members of guilds on this thread for their opinions, then claim it’s not fair if we do the same by associating your behaviour with Keti Caravan. Prime example: PCU guilds, that you seem to have an issue with.

In fact, your behaviour alone has put me off roleplaying with Keti Caravan. I’m sorry Keti.


You (general) started the warfare, don’t blame me

The only unfair thing is that someone who’s actively tried to make the guild better (Keti) has been dragged through the mud because of Lipheron’s constant stupidity.

If it’s any reassurance, the forums are slow and Lipheron isn’t in the guild anymore.


Aaaah there we got it.

Because it’s a crusade, it is mandatory for you to be just. Who goes on a crusade if they believe themselves to be unjust? Nobody.

I mean, I already knew there was no convincing you, when you post that many times, combined with the weird RP advocacy, reality warping and blatant lies, there was no way to get through that thick skull of yours.



I again recommend you step away and leave the thread and mute it. It’s not only been damaging to the guild/Keti but it is also damaging to you.

And this bit now is not healthy.



Extend that to everyone. It’s not going to get better anyway, and I’m starting to get dizzy from how hard we’ve been going in circles.

And with that, I’m pulling out of this thread. My offer of help for Keti still stands if required.


War never changes.

Kul Tiras is the english southwest, Gilneas is… uh… i dont know actually? big gothic cities from the victorian era?
but kul tiras is specifically southwest, tiragarde is basically cornwall and dont get me started on how pure devonshire stormsong is…