Keti caravan

No, Im moving up the ranks.

Why are people still responding to the nobody classic poster

They can come back when they got more than ten polygons


… Are you really so… Well. Foolish/ridiculous/whatever to try and argue this when it was blatantly 100% obvious they did it to defend themselves??

Go try change character on “accident”. You’ll realize you’re arguing wrong.

Don’t engage with the troll.
They feed on attention.


Sry :(( They’re just so stupid I feel I have to reply.

Normally I think it would be okay, but either this one is trolling and isn’t funny, or isn’t trolling and should only be listened to by a psychiatrist.

Either way, not funny, didn’t laugh.

I mean, it is Hushpup. The same one who was a worgen previously and would drop into threads to talk about why ERP was healthy for the servers+support people like Mellinora, Featherwind and (Insert Goldshire person here).

And who claimed that it was racist against americans to criticize their country & President, or to make jokes about the US.


I mean if she’s baiting I gotta say she’s being v successful.


100% baiting. Come in this thread and got people dancing like the forum’s answer to the pied piper of hamlin smh.


Not much Muscular Christianity posting going on here…

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This is actually true. Great majority of AD RPers simply don’t waste their time on forums.

As for the OP’s problem, you can roleplay whatever you want. If somebody doesn’t like it, they are free not to interact with you or your guild.

Nobody here can tell you what to roleplay. If you’re breaking ToS and somebody witnesses it, they can report you and then it’s on Blizzard to deal with it.
If another player, on forums or elsewhere, tries to coerce you into something, you can report them for harassment.

It’s quite simple actually. GL with your guild.


Damn, wish I could alt-post.

I’m gonna assume you didn’t read the thread.

Yes. Technically nobody can tell you what to roleplay, nobody can physically move your fingers to create a different character or plot than the one you had in mind.

However if one wants to interact with the community at large, it’s probably best not to do things like child or animal roleplay because it brings about a great amount of discomfort. Over 1000 posts of back and forth on that discomfort in fact.


OP liked the concept of child rp enough to form the guild and gathered enough like-minded individuals to fill it with, even. Perhaps they have minors who roleplay minors because they don’t know how to rp adults. Game is PG 12 after all. If they’re not breaking ToS, they are free to do what they like and the part of AD community that feels discomfort around them can easily avoid them. Azeroth map is large enough.

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You can go back and look at all the reasons outlined by myself and others as to why just openly allowing child characters onto Argent Dawn is an unwise idea, and I do implore you to do so. It’s not just something I personally don’t have a liking towards more this is something which can be used for and often is used for nefarious intent.


Right, since we are digging through this.

It is hard to know who is minor or not. Can’t change that, but child rp is always looked down upon. Like why would you do that? I can understand just saying IC “I have kids” and such but actually Rping them is just no.

To add, their “kids” had TRP status “Taken” which made it worse.


Hello, it’s me.

A literally who alt who hasn’t posted on the AD forums once aside from this exact thread.

I’m gonna say something inflammatory to keep the thread going now.


I have read it and I understand what you’re saying and I agree it’s unwise. However, I disagree with the notion that policing how other people roleplay is anyone’s business except Blizzard’s. OP shouldn’t feel coerced into doing anything that isn’t resonating with them, nor they need forum’s approval for their concept.

If you dislike it, don’t rp with them. If you on the other hand notice somebody in their guild doing something against the ToS, feel free to report it. That’s all there is to it and that’s enough.

okay but do you disagree with the notion that if everyone around you doesn’t wanna deal with (X), and you do want to interact with them, you should maybe not do (X)?

Does that add up to you


Well, apparently Azeroth’s map is big enough for them to do X elsewhere.