Keti caravan

Poorly, honestly. This thread would be in a much better state if you two left things to Keti, instead of picking a fight with everyone.

The best time to not post was when you opened this thread, the second best time is now.

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i am just really stunned about all this.
No matter if i do appreciate the help or not.
I am just like… out of words.

In all seriousness it’s quite annoying to RP and have some random cat RPers screeching their nuts off right next to you, suddenly spit acid and have this weird breast feeding moment in Orgrimmar.


told you it was cringeti


i was respectfull until a bunch of gamblers just attacked me all over the post. That is called self-steem

If you’re defending someone who randomly dishes out r-slurs to people who haven’t even got involved in this maybe you need to reconsider your position.


You really weren’t. I stick with my suggestion to stop digging the hole.


In all opinion, this is some big ignorance. They say “Ignorance is bliss” But this one take the cake

As a serious offer to help out here - take some time off of all this and really think things through for the kind of direction you want to take your guild in.

I know your friends have good intentions, but the way they’re “defending” you and the guild is really not beneficial to any of you.

If you’d like some outside input, you can hit me up ingame on either Rykah here or Tahva.


I give you IC is IC, don’t bring it OOC

if anyone asks why Sathrynn become a High Elf, i’m gonna link them this thread


What the hec?

The PCU? More like the Pee-Pee-Poo! I saw the PCU yesterday, and when I saw them looking at me, I put 6 holes in my drywall. I spit twice on the PC where their characters were and then reported 2 of them 3 times. There was sweat and pee everywhere, and I even cried like a grown man without changing my dumpster diaper.

Screw the PCU. I hope they get Adblocked.


All seriousness, I can respect that you want to start a guild initiative. I can respect that you want to give people a chance to tell their stories by being under one group, and I think generally speaking the more vulpera guilds the better. They’re an over-hated race by many of the “HORDE MUST BE STRONK” crowd of critics (who are probably the same people who say that all blood elves are feminine)

But at the same time I don’t think there’s much in the way of validating child or animal roleplay. You can have a character who is naieve and finding their place in the world who’s also an adult - which is the one reason one MIGHT play as a child, that naieve perspective.

I would personally reconsider allowing kit and cat RPers in your guild, I understand wanting to be inclusive but I don’t think harbouring people who likely have ill intentions under your guild is a good idea.


Based, Gus, Based


If it is what they like doing, who am I to tell them not to? I have kit chars. I do ERP (not in public). I do crazy sit. And do you know why? Slice of life. If it is possible IRL, it is possible in RP. All tho undead breast feeding is a stretch… But hey… We play in an universe where you can enter the realm of the deaf. Where magics of all kinds exist. Where deus ex machina sit is lore. So why start all this s*it storm about… Well… Anything…

If you asked me politely to remove the meme post I would have, no questions asked. Tis a silly meme and of little importance.

Dropping an R bomb over that though? That’s the opposite of cordial.


Please be quiet.


you are ashaming yourself further with each post lmao


Latter do not go with rules.

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