Keybinds changed for actionbars

I posted on this in the technical support section. Its the same for me and most of my guildmates. Stuck with wrong keylayout.

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This was posted on Technical support but somone moved it here

Same for me, new problem since 9.2.

Same problem with norwegian letters (æøå) and also ’ and |§ etc… Its even the same bug on both my EU and my US account. Both if wich worked fine yesterday.

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Why did they move it to ui when its clearly a wow related technical issue


This got bugged for me last couple of days on ptr aswell, but didnt bother, since it was most likely a ptr bug. But here we are.


how could they release such a big problem!??!


Can we assume they see it here, or should we report it in game as well?

there are alot of posts about this issue and it will be a bigger problem in a couple hours when ppl finish work

i can not report it ingame. if i want to report a bug it gives me a link to the us bug forum. try your luck ingame but i doubt it will work.

I also have the same problem, with § and åäö. but it still works if i rebind the keys, the character will be different but the key will work as before. § will be \ instead.

not sure if rebinding a lot of my keys is the move tho. in case they fix it

I am having this problem, please fix ASAP.

I’m having the same issue. When I use my corsair scimitar anywhere outside of the game the bind remains as ´ but within the game the bind swaps out to } or something alike to that. Same issue with + turning to = too. Finnish keyboard.

I think a lot of people have this issue (including myself), but since it only affect keybindings and not for example chat. A lot of people isn’t aware of it yet. Asked a couple irl mates and they both had it without being aware of it because they don’t rly use those keybindings that much.
Sidenote - We are using Nordic keyboards, if that could be part of the issue

Same issue here, German keyboard. Bound some keys to my mouse, outside of WoW everything works as usual. Very annoying.

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There was a blupost in another thread concerning this


Geez. same issue here. How the hell does someone screw this up like this! lol


Having the same issue - using a Naga and it’s recognising binds such as # as ’ instead, which is seriously annoying…
Thought they would have fixed this pretty quick so just made do without those abilities but it’s getting pretty annoying now.

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